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Related Bible reading(s): John 12.20-33

Bible Study on John 12.20-33

For Adults and Young People

  • Beforehand, read John 12.20-33. Read and print out a copy of the Bible study sheet for each group member. Click here for additional Bible notes.
  • Gather interviews and profiles of celebrities from magazines and newspaper supplements, to use in the Explore section. Use an internet search engine to find and print a few images people have created of Jesus.
  • In the session, read the Bible passage together, preferably from a Bible so the group can see what happened immediately before and after the events here. Look at the Bible notes and Make connections sections.
  • Use this conversation spark to provoke first reactions from the group: What’s the difference between an A list celebrity, a Z list celebrity, and you?
  • End with the Live in faith and Send out prayer items for the week.

Young people

  • Encourage the group to respond to their discussion using one of the respond activities in the CYP Respond to the Word section. There is a specific activity for Young People which you may like to look at first.
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