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Related Bible reading(s): Psalm 51.1-12

Using today's psalm

Psalm 51.1-12

Just before he died, St Francis said to his followers: ‘Let us make a new beginning, for until now we have done nothing.’ Deep into Lent, this psalm reminds us that sin is something we must face and overcome, but we can do that only through God’s action: a new heart and a right spirit replacing actions that separate us from God. We ask for new life: God gives us that in Jesus.


Singing together

How to use the psalms in worship.


Response line: A clean heart create for me, O Lord.

A clean   Left hand palm up, right hand sweeps it clean.
heart   Draw a heart in the air.
create for me,   Make both hands into fists and make a building motion by putting one fist on top of the other as though building a tower.
O Lord.   Point up with index fingers of both hands.


Hymns and songs based on Psalm 51 include: Give me a new heart, O Lord (LAU, CFES); Create within me a clean heart (CAN); Create in me a clean heart (RE).

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