Adult & All Age
Prayers to end the session
May the God who is patient with us
bless us as we carry our journey of faith into the week ahead.
May the Son who redeems us
bless us as we confess that we are broken and need healing.
May the Spirit who gathers us together
bless us as we seek to live as a community that lives in the light,
now and for ever.
A sending out message and action for the week ahead.
Sow some flower seeds in a gloomy place this week and commit yourself to nurturing them until they flower.
Create a good news tweet for the week about dying to bring forth new life.
Children & Young People
Prayers to end the session
May God bless you with rain,
may God bless you with sunshine.
May God bless you with food,
may God bless you with shelter.
And until we meet again,
may you grow in God’s love
and plant seeds of God’s love,
wherever you may be.
A sending out message and action for the week ahead.
Ask the group to think about all the people who are part of their lives. Ask them to commit to doing one thing this week that will help one person to grow and develop, e.g. help someone improve at sport, or in class.
Encourage the group to try to complete the actions suggested for this week on the Lent calendar.