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Ezekiel 37.1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8.6-11; John 11.1-45


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

Based on John 11.25,27

Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’
Come, Lord Jesus, and be among us,
for you are the Messiah, the Son of God,
the one coming into the world.

Call to worship

Based on John 11.25,27

Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’
Come, Lord Jesus, and be among us,
for you are the Messiah, the Son of God,
the one coming into the world.

Gathering words

As we begin the most solemn fortnight of the Christian year, we explore the story of the raising of Lazarus and the effect it had on Martha and Mary.

Gathering words

As we begin the most solemn fortnight of the Christian year, we explore the story of the raising of Lazarus and the effect it had on Martha and Mary.

A prayer of approach

Inspired by Psalm 130.6-7

Creator God, give us hope in you as we wait for you in worship today,
that we may learn of your steadfast life and of your great power to redeem.

A prayer of approach

Inspired by Psalm 130.6-7

Creator God, give us hope in you
as we wait for you in worship today,
that we may learn of your steadfast life
and of your great power to redeem.

A prayer for all ages together

When we hide away because we don’t want to do what we should be doing:
> SHOUT come out!

When we hide away because we are sorry and ashamed:

When we hide away because we are afraid:
> WHISPER come out!

Jesus loves us:
> SHOUT we are free!

Jesus saves us:
> SHOUT we are free!

Jesus gives us life:
> SHOUT we are free!


A prayer of confession


As our souls and minds wait for you,
O God,
we offer all of our lives;
the things we have done and the things we have not done,
the things of which we are ashamed and
the ways in which we have hurt other people.
In your steadfast love,
forgive and redeem us,
as we claim the promise
that in Jesus our sins are forgiven.

A prayer of confession


As our souls and minds wait for you,
O God,
we offer all of our lives;
the things we have done and the things we have not done,
the things of which we are ashamed and
the ways in which we have hurt other people.
In your steadfast love,
forgive and redeem us,
as we claim the promise
that in Jesus our sins are forgiven.

Ways into prayer



The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead
dwells in you. 
He who raised Christ from the dead
will give life to you
through his Spirit that dwells in you.

Adapted from Romans 8.11.

Intercessory prayer

Resurrecting God, we pray for the Church and the world.
We pray for your Church throughout the world:
that we may use this Passiontide
to deepen our understanding of Jesus’ suffering;
that all may be free to live out their faith as they would wish.
May your whole church worship you truly, now and always. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.

We pray for the world and its peoples:
that those who govern the nations
may seek justice and peace for all;
for those we meet each day.
May the peoples of the earth come to see your light.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.

We pray for those who suffer: for those who wait, for treatment or diagnosis for those who lack hope
May those who suffer in body, mind or spirit
find hope in the resurrecting God. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.

We remember those who have died,
especially those whose witness
has influenced our faith journey,
praying that we may come to share
with all the saints in resurrection life.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done. Amen.

A prayer of intercession

Resurrecting God, we pray for the Church and the world.
We pray for your Church throughout the world:
that we may use this Passiontide
to deepen our understanding of Jesus’ suffering;
that all may be free to live out their faith as they would wish.
May your whole church worship you truly, now and always. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.

We pray for the world and its peoples:
that those who govern the nations
may seek justice and peace for all;
for those we meet each day.
May the peoples of the earth come to see your light.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.

We pray for those who suffer: for those who wait, for treatment or diagnosis for those who lack hope
May those who suffer in body, mind or spirit
find hope in the resurrecting God. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.

We remember those who have died,
especially those whose witness
has influenced our faith journey,
praying that we may come to share
with all the saints in resurrection life.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done. Amen.

A prayer of petition

Help me always to wait for you,
O resurrected Lord.

A prayer of petition

Help me always to wait for you,
O resurrected Lord.

A prayer of praise

Eternal God, source of all life and love,
we praise you for your gifts to us and to all people.
In creation you gave life to the world.
In Christ you redeemed the world,
offering the promise of resurrected life for all,
foreshown in his rising from the dead.
In the Spirit you give us new life here and now,
and challenge us to live as resurrected people
in the Church and in the world.
Give us hearts and minds
ready to hear your voice
and to do your will,
day by day. Amen.

A prayer of praise

Eternal God, source of all life and love,
we praise you for your gifts to us and to all people.
In creation you gave life to the world.
In Christ you redeemed the world,
offering the promise of resurrected life for all,
foreshown in his rising from the dead.
In the Spirit you give us new life here and now,
and challenge us to live as resurrected people
in the Church and in the world.
Give us hearts and minds
ready to hear your voice
and to do your will,
day by day. Amen.

A reflective prayer

Loving God, make us mindful of those who fear what tomorrow will bring:
those who have cause to fear for themselves and those they love;
those who are imprisoned by their fears and are afraid to reach out in love;
and those who can barely see beyond today.

Loving God, make us mindful of those who fear what tomorrow will take away:
those who gain only by taking away from others what little they have;
those who are possessed by their wealth, status, power and privilege;
and those who grasp only at the future, without reflecting on today.

Loving God, make us mindful of our fears:
which get in the way of our enjoyment of today;
which hold us back by bad memories from yesterday;
and which prevent us from making good life choices tomorrow.

A reflective prayer

Loving God, make us mindful of those who fear what tomorrow will bring:
those who have cause to fear for themselves and those they love;
those who are imprisoned by their fears and are afraid to reach out in love;
and those who can barely see beyond today.

Loving God, make us mindful of those who fear what tomorrow will take away:
those who gain only by taking away from others what little they have;
those who are possessed by their wealth, status, power and privilege;
and those who grasp only at the future, without reflecting on today.

Loving God, make us mindful of our fears:
which get in the way of our enjoyment of today;
which hold us back by bad memories from yesterday;
and which prevent us from making good life choices tomorrow.

A sending out prayer

May all that binds you fall away
so that you may believe and see the glory of God.
Then go out, and declare the good news.

Children & Young People

A gathering prayer for children and young people

Come to us, Lord,
as we gather here today.
Live with us, Lord
through our worship and our prayers.
Help us to hear you,
help us to know you
and help us to be with you,
today, and always.

Gathering prayer

Come to us, Lord,
as we gather here today.
Live with us, Lord
through our worship and our prayers.
Help us to hear you,
help us to know you
and help us to be with you,
today, and always.

Sending out prayer

With children

Gather the children together, give them a copy of the Children’s Sheet and pray:

Lord, you gave comfort to your friends.
Give us the words to say when our friends are sad, and friends to support us when we are sad.
Help us to leave today saying, ‘yes Lord, I believe’.

With young people

Gather the group and close your time together by sending them out to live the message after the session. End with a prayer.

Jesus said ‘Lazarus, come out’.
Today, as we leave and move into the world
may we respond to the call Jesus makes to each one of us
to go out into the world and make a difference.

Sending out prayers for children and young people

For children

Lord, you gave comfort to your friends.
Give us the words to say when our friends are sad, and friends to support us when we are sad.
Help us to leave today saying, ‘Yes Lord, I believe’.


For young people

Jesus said ‘Lazarus, come out’.
Today, as we leave and move into the world
may we respond to the call Jesus makes to each one of us
to go out into the world and make a difference.

Prayer activities around the theme of 'Free to believe?'

For children

Bandage prayers

Pray for people in hopeless situations.

You will need: strips of cloth or thin paper, e.g. toilet roll; pens; pictures of people whose situations seem hopeless.

Show the group a set of pictures of people in hopeless situations — the poor, homeless, destitute, victims of war, famine or drought. Talk about how they might feel. Is there anything we could do to help them? The one thing we can all do is to pray for these people. Lazarus was dead, his situation was hopeless, but Jesus did something unexpected and brought him back to life.

Invite the children to pray and ask God to help these people too.

Give the children time to write or draw prayers on the strips of cloth, like Lazarus’ bandages.

When all the prayers have been written, have a time of prayer, and invite the children to read out their prayers if they want to. Finish the time of prayer by praying that God will be with people whose situations seem hopeless, and do something unexpected for them.



Thank you, God,
that you can do things we don’t expect.
Help us say Yes, Lord, I believe.
When we don’t know what to do or say
help us say, Yes, Lord, I believe.
When we see people who are suffering or sad,
help us say, Yes, Lord, I believe.
When we don’t understand what is happening,
help us say, Yes, Lord, I believe.
And when believing in you is difficult,
help us say, Yes, Lord, I believe.


For young people

Let there be life!

Simple active prayer.

You will need: a dark room; large candle; a small candle per person.

Beforehand, prepare wax guards for the small candles or ensure they are not going to drip on the hands of the young people.

Place the large candle centrally in the darkened room, preferably raised up from the floor and on a wax-and heat-proof surface.

Invite the young people to gather and each take a small candle and wax guard.

Say ‘Lazarus is dead’ and pause before saying ‘Lazarus, come out’.

Light the central candle, then light your own small candle from the centre.

Light the candle of the person next to you as you say ‘Name, come out’.

Invite them to do the same with the next person.

Close with a prayer.

Lord, we thank you for our lives.
May we use them for you.

Find prayer activities in Explore & respond and the
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