Related Bible reading(s): John 11.1-45
Hymns, songs & music
Related to the Bible readings
Suggestions from Adult & All Age
Beneath the cross of Jesus
Beneath the cross of Jesus, I find a place (SOF)
From heaven you came (The Servant King)
How deep the Father’s love
I cannot tell why he whom angels worship
It is a thing most wonderful
Jesus comes with all his grace (HP168)
Lift high the cross
My hope is built on nothing less (MP, TS)
My Lord, what love is this
Such love, pure as the whitest snow (HON, MP, SG, SOF, TS)
Out of the depths I cry to thee (HP)
Praise to the holiest in the height
There is a Redeemer
To God be the glory
Suggestions from Children & Young People
Father, I place into your hands
I believe in Jesus (KS)
Jesus, Jesus, here I am (JU)
Jesus is my friend (BBP)
There is a Redeemer
Who spoke words of wisdom and life? (KS)
You are the light of the world (KS)
Key to source abbreviations - where no abbreviation is given, the song is in five or more well-known books.