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Ezekiel 37.1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8.6-11; John 11.1-45


Bringing people to community

Adult & All Age

Prepare the space: Free to believe?

Ideas for a focal point with adults and all ages

Display a copy of a picture of the story of the raising of Lazarus (see Further resources) with a white cloth around it (denoting grave clothes). Or use a stone to symbolise the grave of Lazarus. If your church uses a Lenten cross, place these at the foot of the cross.

Gathering words

As we begin...

As we begin the most solemn fortnight of the Christian year, we explore the story of the raising of Lazarus and the effect it had on Martha and Mary.

Gathering words

As we begin

As we begin the most solemn fortnight of the Christian year, we explore the story of the raising of Lazarus and the effect it had on Martha and Mary.

Children & Young People

Prepare the space

Ideas for a focal point with children and young people

In one corner of your room, build a tomb. This could be a small tent, or some sheets draped over some chairs. Before the session starts, you could hide Lazarus in the tomb — wrap a volunteer in bandages and put the in the tomb to wait for the story telling. Alternatively put a pile of bandages inside the tomb to use when you tell the story.

Gathering activities

Activities to gather children and young people

You will need: cornflour; water; large bowls.

Let the children mix cornflour and water in large bowls, and play with the resulting ‘gloop’.

When they stir the mix quickly or try to suddenly put a hand in, it will appear solid, but move it slowly and it returns to liquid. It doesn’t behave in the way you might expect a mixture to behave.

A gathering prayer for children and young people

Come to us, Lord

Come to us, Lord,
as we gather here today.
Live with us, Lord
through our worship and our prayers.
Help us to hear you,
help us to know you
and help us to be with you,
today, and always.

Gathering prayer

Come to us, Lord

Come to us, Lord,
as we gather here today.
Live with us, Lord
through our worship and our prayers.
Help us to hear you,
help us to know you
and help us to be with you,
today, and always.

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