Materials for exploring Creation Time alongside ideas for considering and giving thanks for our food, the people who produce it and celebrating God's gifts to us.
Ideas for a green manifesto for your church
Looking for signs of God in creation
Looking at God’s earth as a positive example of mothering.
Resources suitable for use during a Climate Sunday event, the Great Big Green Week and COP Conferences
A climate-change themed drama for 4 people
Siggy Parratt-Halbert explores Forest Church as an approach to environmental sustainability in church life
A set of resources for creating a ‘Forest Church’ style outdoor act of worship.
A creation time service for all ages
All-age service giving thanks for the wonders of creation
A service to mark the United Nations International Year of Biodiversity in 2010
Short prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God for the rich diversity of creation.
Regular contributor Andrew Pratt shares a hymn about global warming.
Jacqui Hyde builds a service for all ages together around the seven days of the creation story.
An interactive drama for older children/young people or an all-age service about God’s creation of the planet and our responsibility for it.
Creation theme harvest material for children based on Genesis 1
Nurturing one another through eating together
Resources for Adult & All Ages for the 2nd Sunday before Lent Year A
Resources for Children & Young People for the 2nd Sunday before Lent Year A
New ideas for 2017
A harvest service for all ages
An autumn service for all ages
An set of harvest resources by Eileen Goddard
Explore the cycle of seasons, commerce and our interconnection with each other using the image of a wheel
Outline for a simple harvest service for all ages
An all-age service that picks up on all the colours of harvest-time
An all-age harvest service to celebrate the places our food comes from
Prayer for all ages
A prayer for those in need when we have plenty
A prayer of intercession
Children's harvest prayer based on Psalm 65
An opportunity to reflect on who brings us our food
Suitable for children and young people
A prayer for those whose livelihood is dependent on the harvest
A prayer for the other harvest based on 1 Corinthians 3.8-9
A harvest prayer
Harvest thanksgiving prayer, suitable for all ages
This drama is ideal for use during Creation Time or at Harvest, and could be performed in an all-age service or school assembly.
A mime to retell the parable of the sower, suitable for harvest
Based on a 'This is the house that Jack built' structure
Comparing contributions to a Bring and share lunch reveals God's abundance
This play is based on the story of the ten lepers and could be used either as a teaching tool, or as a production in a family service or harvest event.
Jacqui Hyde outlines a harvest activity day for children, which will enable you to complete the preparation needed for the 'Harvest of creation' service outline.
Ideas for a harvest service using songs and creative activities
Active worship ideas for all ages
A contemporary harvest hymn
Children's harvest song
Sophie discovers the message of giving at the heart of Harvest
Thank U God collage