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Holy Week Holiday Club: Wednesday - A meal with friends

Wednesday's material explores the last supper


Today we remember the last time Jesus ate with his friends, the disciples, before he was crucified. It was his special way of saying goodbye, and of giving them and us a special way of remembering him.


As the children arrive, set out tables with biscuits and icing of various colours. Let the children decorate the biscuits with icing, sprinkles and smarties.


Mark 14.22-25

Use the relevant section from The Miracle Maker video or The Lion Storyteller Bible. You could use any suitable version of the story, or tell it simply, as follows.

Jesus knew that Judas would tell the soldiers about him and where they could find him and he wanted to say a special goodbye to his friends. It was the time of a festival called Passover when everyone remembered how good God had been to them.

They all sat down to have their meal and Jesus said some things that the disciples thought were rather strange. He took some bread and a cup of wine in his hands and said ‘Eat and drink this to remember me.’ He was telling them that after he had died, every time they ate bread and drank wine in this way, he would be with them in a special way – even though they couldn't see him. It was a special gift to them and to all the people who love Jesus.

We still remember this last supper Jesus had with his friends in our Communion (Mass/Lord's Supper/Eucharist) service in church.


Do the children always eat at the table with their family or friends? Or do they all eat at different times because everyone is busy with places to go and things to do?
What happens when there is a special meal or a party?
How might the disciples have felt sitting down to this meal with Jesus?
Depending on your church, you may want to talk more about Holy Communion at this point.


Cooking. Depending upon your premises you may be able to make fairy cakes, flapjacks or biscuits. If you have the facilities, make Easter nests from melted chocolate mixed with crumbled shredded wheat. Put into paper cake cases, make a dent in the middle and put miniature sugar eggs into them. If you make cakes or biscuits, use different flavourings such as lemon, honey or chocolate. Check hygiene, safety and allergy problems.

My favourite meal. Each child makes a collage on a paper plate. Use coloured tissue paper, string, wool, and so on, to make a favourite meal, sticking everything down with PVA glue. The plates could be displayed on a frieze. Which is the most common one?

Fantasy parties. Make and decorate invitations to an imaginary party. If the children could actually invite anyone – real or not – who would they invite? What would they give them to eat and drink? Make party hats using card or paper. Simple cone shapes work well. Decorate in any way you want.


Sing a couple of quieter songs together to settle everyone down. Light a candle. Remind the children of the story and share some bread rolls together. Then say the prayer below.


Dear Lord Jesus
When you had that meal with your friends,
it wasn't a party,
it wasn't exciting,
it was a sad meal.
It was also very special.

Thank you for our special meals,
the happy ones and the sad ones.
Thank you that you are always with us.


Try playing some old-fashioned party games such as Oranges and Lemons. Remind everyone of the last line ‘Here comes the chopper to chop off your head’. At Jesus' special meal, there was some sense of threat too.

Set the table relay race. In teams children take turns to get a place mat, knife, fork, spoon and cup from the other end of the room and bring them back to their team. The first team sitting down with their place set correctly wins.


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