An all-age Communion resource for Lent/Passiontide
A very simple Good Friday evening meditation of music and words for adults or all ages
Based on The Stations of the Cross, this act of worship for young people and adults remembers the events of Good Friday.
Remembering the Last Supper with all ages together
A service suitable for Maundy Thursday or Good Friday
A service for Good Friday, based on Mark 14.26-15.39
A service for Good Friday, based on John 18.1-19.42
In this flexible resource, Brenda Vance invites us to travel with Jesus to the cross
Resources for Holy Week based on paintings by Nebiyu Assefa
Resources based on seven paintings by Nebiyu Assefa
Holy Week resources suitable for children, young people and families, based on paintings by Nebiyu Assefa.
Daily acts of worship for all ages for church or home for Year C
'One of the aspects of being with Jesus is you never know quite what's going to happen,' said a disciple.
Idea for a silent meditation for Passiontide, and how to use Palm Sunday to ponder attitude and lifestyle.
A led meditation for young people
In this meditative reading, Simon of Cyrene describes being asked to 'carry this cross', while a follow-on reflection invites us to ask whether we are prepared to carry our own cross - and reminds us of the help available for that task.
Meditations on Mary the mother of Jesus, Peter, Judas and Pilate plus questions for discussion
A meditation through the eyes and thoughts of a bystander
Guidance on enriching worship through music
Additional details on the events described in chapters 26 and 27 of Matthew's gospel.
A dramatic reading that brings the Passion narrative to life with different people reporting the action.
A narration of someone in the Palm Sunday crowd, bringing to life the dynamics of what was going on at personal, religious and political levels.
Jesus sometimes gave his disciples bizarre instructions.
A version of the Passion (sections of Matthew 26.36 – Matthew 27.54) as told by Peter, Judas, Pilate, a Roman Soldier, Simon of Cyrene, a Chief Priest and with Jesus as a silent character in the action except for his final line.
Fictional monologue by Robin Chapman in which Pontius Pilate recalls his participation in the trial of Jesus, suitable for use in worship for all ages or for adults.
Lord Jesus Christ, on this day you entered Jerusalem in triumph
Poem for Palm Sunday that could be performed as a lively chant in procession
Short, staccato call to worship for Good Friday.
A meditation on the events of Good Friday, through the eyes and thoughts of a bystander
Gathering prayer from 'Moving onwards, looking back', remembering the Last Supper with all ages together for Holy Week Lent 2011
Seven scenes designed to enable children and young people to understand and participate in Luke's account of the Passion
Readings, questions to ponder, activities and prayers for Holy Week
A series of prayer stations with materials for reflection and response
A Vigil event for young people through the evening of Holy Saturday through to Easter Sunday morning
Ideas and activities for a workshop time with children, exploring the events of Holy Week.
The final steps to the cross based on Luke 22-33