Reflection: Donkeys and warhorses
Idea for a silent meditation for Passiontide, and how to use Palm Sunday to ponder attitude and lifestyle.
- Hold a 2-5 minute time of silent meditation within the service, possibly with music, and ask people to cast their minds forward to the week that is to come. If a longer period of time is allocated, you could choose verses from the readings for the week ahead and/or the passion narrative to give people a focus.
- Focus on the donkey that Jesus rides on, in contrast to the warhorse that might have been expected. What is a modern equivalent – what are our warhorses, our donkeys? How can we downsize aspects of our own lifestyles in order to make room for a fairer, more peaceful world? For a mixed-age group, provide large drawings of a donkey and a warhorse on two flipcharts and write people's answers on whichever is appropriate.