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1 Kings 3.5-12; Psalm 119.129-136; Romans 8.26-39; Matthew 13.31-33,44-52


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

We look for God in the dramatic.
We discover God in the ordinary.
Invited by God to slow down,
we freshly open our eyes to slowly see
God’s life breaking into our awareness, all around.

A gathering prayer

Loving God,
thank you for the wonder of our interconnected universe,
sustained and held in being by your love.
Tiny seeds nurtured by earth, that grow into great scrubs,
sheltering creatures.
Barely visible yeast cultures leavening flour for bread.
Treasures that make life precious and joyful.
Wisdom handed down to us, freshly understood.
Your reign breaks in around us in so many ways;
help us to see and rejoice.

A prayer of approach

Lord God, we leave worldly thoughts behind,
and gather to seek your wisdom.
Teach us kingdom values, we pray,
so that we may grow in faith
this day and always.

A prayer of adoration

Father, all time is in your hand, unfolding;
we see so little of it in a lifetime,
yet sometimes it is overwhelming.
God of the kingdom of heaven,
you are our haven in life’s storms,
our lifeline in calamity;
we watch and await your coming in power.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

A prayer of confession

Lord, we confess that the concerns of the world weigh us down.
We worry about our needs, our wants, how others perceive us.
We are so overwhelmed that we fail to riddle the gold from life’s dross.
We turn to you, seeking the assurance that your kingdom is with us and among us;
help us to discern where it lies, so that we may turn our backs on all else.
Grant us the patience to seek you and your ways
with the forbearance you show as you wait for us.


Assurance of forgiveness

Almighty God, although we take forever, you have forever –
you are the God of Eternity.
We are slow to seek you,
slow to learn, slow to grow in faith;
but when we are faltering,
you wait sure and steady to forgive us;
when we are lacking in trust,
you forgive us and persist in working out your ways despite us.
Thank you, O God of forgiveness and forbearance.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

God, we thank you for teaching us the things that matter,
the things of true value.
We praise you that the treasures of your kingdom are hidden beneath the mundanity,
and sometimes the drama, of everyday life;
and that they are often there in small ways that,
if nurtured, grow in abundance.
Thank you for your pearls of wisdom and your seeds of faith.
Let your Kingdom grow among us.

Prayers of intercession

Almighty God we are but one minute speck in your created order, but you care for each speck that you have made, for each of us and for all those who we bring our prayers for now.

For those who feel they do not belong in the place in which they live, house, town or country, feeling isolated, unsettled, unwanted or unloved. Feeling adrift from others and maybe from themselves, seeking and searching for answers and somewhere that feels like home.

Bless all those for whom we pray with your presence.
Bless them Lord, bless them. 

Bless those surrounded by war, violence and upheaval, living in now derelict and destroyed areas that were once comfortable places to live. Bless them in their distress, in their pain, in their loss and confusion. Bless them in their searching for new ways, new hopes, new dreams, new homes. Bless them in their search to make sense of life and love.

Bless all those for whom we pray with your presence.
Bless them Lord, bless them.

Bless those Who live with divisions between race, religion, ethnicity. Those who are segregated for their faith, tortured for their faith, cast adrift because of their faith. Unfairly treated because of their faith. Those who stand out from the crowd and are discriminated against because of their ethnicity. Especially remembering this week Israel and the Holy Land and all its strife.

Bless all those for whom we pray with your presence.
Bless them Lord, bless them.

Bless those families who will struggle to cope during the summer school holidays, those struggling to feed their families without extra school support, those who struggle with lack of indoor space and precious little, if any, outdoor space to healthily wear out the children before bedtime. Bless those who have had poor experience of being parented and who now repeat the same with their own children.

Bless all those for whom we pray with your presence.
Bless them Lord, bless them.

Bless those living in the midst of immediately visible effects of climate change, excessive heat and flooded grounds, wildfires, landslides, parched ground. Remembering especially the people of Rhodes and the ongoing difficulties due to loss of tourist visits. May we all seek to find a way to live more fairly and sustainably for this generation and the generations to come. May we all be prepared to sacrifice something for the good of future generations.

Bless all those for whom we pray with your presence.
Bless them Lord, bless them.

Bless those in pain and anguish, physical and mental. Bless those who seek to care for them. Bless those who teeter on the edge of life, those who feel their lives are pointless and those for who life draws to an end, give them peace, security and comfort.

Bless all those for whom we pray with your presence.
Bless them Lord, bless them.

For these and all your people, Lord we pray.

A prayer for all ages together

For this body prayer, invite people to sit comfortably,
feet on the floor, hands in their laps.

Pause for a few moments after each line.
The optional actions, where given, may be helpful for younger people.

Feel a sense of your body. (wiggle your bottom)
Your feet on the floor. (tap your toes gently)
Become aware of your breathing. (listen to your breath)
As you breathe in, imagine it is God breathing life into you.
Hold that breath and remember who you are – a child of God.
As you breathe out, imagine it is God’s love flowing from you to those around you.
Remember your hands, feet and love are useful to God.

A sending out prayer

Loving God,
thank you for your reign breaking in, all around, for those with eyes to see.
May the light of your love be focused within us.
May we create space in our hearts to treasure it.
And may we be of service to your love, now and always.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  30 Gorffennaf – 5 Awst 2023

Aros a gweld

Mathew 13:31-33, 44-52

Galwad i addoli

Chwiliwn am Dduw yn y digwyddiadau dramatig.
Canfyddwn Duw yn y pethau cyffredin.
Pan fydd Duw yn ein gwahodd i arafu,
agorwn ein llygaid o’r newydd ac yn araf
down yn ymwybodol o fywyd Duw o’n cwmpas ym mhobman.

Gweddi ymgynnull

Dduw cariadlon,
diolch i ti am ryfeddod ein bydysawd rhyngweithiol,
sy’n cael ei gynnal a’i gadw gan dy gariad.
Hadau bychain wedi’u meithrin gan y ddaear, sy’n tyfu yn brysgwydd mawr,
ac yn cysgodi creaduriaid.
Burum bron yn anweledig yn lefeinio blawd ar gyfer bara.
Trysorau sy’n gwneud bywyd yn werthfawr a llawen.
Doethineb wedi dod o’r naill genhedlaeth i’r llall ac wedi ei ddeall o’r newydd.
Mae dy deyrnasiad yn torri o’n cwmpas mewn cymaint o wahanol ffyrdd;
helpa ni i weld a llawenhau.

Gweddi ddynesu

Arglwydd Dduw, rydym yn gadael meddyliau bydol o’n hôl,
ac yn ymgynnull i geisio dy ddoethineb.
Gweddïwn ar i ti ddysgu i ni werthoedd y deyrnas,
fel y gallwn dyfu mewn ffydd
heddiw a phob amser.

Gweddi o addoliad

Dad, mae amser i gyd yn dy law di, yn datgelu popeth;
rydym yn gweld cyn lleied ohono mewn oes gyfan,
ac eto weithiau gall ein llethu.
Dduw teyrnas nefoedd,
ti yw ein hafan yn stormydd bywyd,
ein hangor mewn adfyd;
gwyliwn ac arhoswn am dy ddyfodiad yn dy nerth.

Gweddi o gyffes

Arglwydd, cyffeswn fod poenau’r byd yn ein llethu.
Rydym yn pryderu am ein hanghenion, ein deisyfiadau, sut mae eraill yn ein gweld.
Rydym wedi ein llethu i’r fath raddau fel na allwn ogrwn yr aur oddi wrth sorod bywyd.
Trown atat ti, gan geisio sicrwydd fod dy deyrnas gyda ni ac yn ein plith ni;
helpa ni i ddirnad ble mae’r deyrnas, fel y gallwn gefnu ar bopeth arall.
Rho i ni’r amynedd i’th geisio di a’th ffyrdd di
gyda’r goddefgarwch hwnnw yr wyt ti yn ei ddangos wrth i ti aros amdanom ni.

Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Dduw hollalluog, er ein bod yn cymryd am byth, mae gennyt ti am byth –
ti yw Duw Tragwyddoldeb.
Rydym yn araf i’th geisio, yn araf i ddysgu, yn araf i dyfu mewn ffydd;
ond pan fyddwn yn diffygio, rwyt ti’n aros yn sicr a chadarn er mwyn maddau i ni;
pan fyddwn yn brin o ymddiriedaeth, rwyt ti’n maddau i ni
ac yn dyfalbarhau i weithio yn dy ffyrdd di er ein gwaethaf.
Diolch i ti, O Dduw maddeuant a goddefgarwch.

Gweddi o fawl a diolchgarwch

Dduw, diolchwn i ti am ddysgu’r pethau pwysig i ni, y pethau gwirioneddol werthfawr.
Molwn di am fod trysorau dy deyrnas wedi eu cuddio dan undonedd, ac weithiau drama, bywyd bob dydd; ac am eu bod yn aml yno mewn ffyrdd bychain sydd, o’u meithrin, yn tyfu mewn llawnder.
Diolch i ti am dy berlau o ddoethineb a’th hadau o ffydd.
Boed i’th Deyrnas dyfu yn ein plith.

Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

Ar gyfer y weddi gorfforol hon, gwahoddwch bawb i eistedd yn gyfforddus, traed ar y llawr, dwylo ar eu glin. Oedwch am ychydig amser ar ôl pob llinell. Efallai y bydd y symudiadau dewisol a gynigir o gymorth i bobl iau.

Teimlwch synnwyr o’ch corff. (siglo eich pen ôl)
Eich traed ar y llawr. (tapio bysedd eich traed yn ysgafn)
Byddwch yn ymwybodol o’ch anadlu. (gwrando ar eich anadl)
Wrth i chi anadlu i mewn, dychmygwch fod Duw yn anadlu bywyd i mewn i chi.
Daliwch yr anadl honno a chofiwch pwy ydych chi – plentyn i Dduw.
Wrth i chi anadlu allan, dychmygwch fod cariad Duw yn llifo ohonoch ac i mewn i bawb o’ch cwmpas.
Cofiwch fod eich dwylo, eich traed a’ch cariad yn ddefnyddiol i Dduw.

Gweddi i gloi

Dduw cariadlon,
diolch i ti am dy deyrnasiad sy’n gwawrio o’n cwmpas, ar gyfer y rhai y mae ganddynt lygaid i weld.
Boed i oleuni dy gariad gael ei ffocysu o’n mewn.
Boed i ni greu lle yn ein calonnau i’w drysori.
A boed i ni fod o wasanaeth i’th gariad, yn awr a phob amser.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Loving Lord,
help us to hear your word
and see your work today.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for children

Invite everyone to look around the space, especially if you can be/see outside.
Faithful God,
you are always at work, in ways we see and ways we don’t.
Thank you for the things we can see right now that show your faithfulness.
Invite the group to name them, or name them yourself.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you give us eyes to see and ears
to hear the good things that come from you.

A prayer for forgiveness for children

Give everyone a sunflower seed to hold in cupped hands, as you pray.

Lord Jesus, your stories remind us that you use small things:
A seed, some yeast, a pearl, a net – to help make big changes.
We are sorry when we forget to look for you at work,
around us and in us.
Help us to trust you and our small place in your big story.

A prayer for others for children

Holy Spirit,
we pray for those who cannot see you at work just now.
For those who cannot find the treasure during dark times,
be with them in their doubts and fear, we pray.

A sending out prayer for children

God of the good harvest,
as we see your hand in the flowers of summer gardens
and the fruits of the season,
help us to trust you in the times of growing as well as the
times of harvest.

A prayer for very young children: Prayer seeds

Give each chid a tiny seed to hold and pray that God would grow good things in his kingdom here.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 30 Gorffennaf – 5 Awst 2023

Aros a gweld

Mathew 13:31-33, 44-52

Gweddi ymgynnull

Arglwydd cariadlon,
helpa ni i glywed dy air
a gweld dy waith heddiw.

Hadau gweddi

Rhowch hedyn bychan i bob plentyn afael ynddo a gweddïwch y bydd Duw
yn tyfu pethau da yn ei deyrnas yma.

Gweddi o fawl a diolchgarwch

Gwahoddwch bawb i edrych o gwmpas y lle, yn enwedig os gallwch fod/weld tu allan.
Dduw ffyddlon,
rwyt ti bob amser ar waith, mewn ffyrdd a welwn a ffyrdd na welwn.
Diolch i ti am y pethau y gallwn eu gweld yn awr
sy’n dangos dy ffyddlondeb.
Gwahoddwch y grŵp i’w henwi, neu eu henwi eich hun.
Diolch i ti, Arglwydd Iesu, am roi llygaid i weld a chlustiau i glywed
y pethau da sy’n dod oddi wrthyt ti.

Gweddi am faddeuant

Rhowch hedyn blodyn haul i bawb ei ddal mewn dwylo wedi’u cwpanu, wrth i chi weddïo.
Arglwydd Iesu, mae dy storïau yn ein hatgoffa dy fod di’n defnyddio pethau bach:
Hedyn, lefain, perl, rhwyd – i helpu i wneud newidiadau mawr.
Mae’n ddrwg gennym pan fyddwn yn anghofio chwilio amdanat ar waith;
o’n cwmpas ac ynom ni.
Helpa ni i ymddiried ynot ti a’n rhan fach ni yn dy stori fawr di.

Gweddi dros eraill

Ysbryd Glân,
gweddïwn dros y rhai na allant dy weld ar waith ar hyn o byd.
Dros y rhai na allant ganfod y trysor mewn amseroedd tywyll.
Gweddïwn ar i ti fod gyda nhw yn eu hamheuon a’u hofn.

Gweddi i gloi

Dduw y cynhaeaf da,
wrth i ni weld gwaith dy ddwylo ym mlodau gerddi’r haf
a ffrwythau’r tymor,
helpa ni i ymddiried ynot ti yn ystod yr amser tyfu
yn ogystal ag amser y cynhaeaf.

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