Treasure chests E S
Create a reminder of Jesus’ parable of the hidden treasure
You will need: basic card or wooden treasure box forms (or empty shoeboxes), assorted materials to decorate with.
- Provide a treasure box for the children to paint and decorate as they wish, sticking on sequins and gems, for instance. If you prefer, you could work together to create a large cardboard box treasure chest for display.
- Talk about the precious things you can keep in your chests, and the treasures in God’s kingdom.
Yeast balloon experiment E S
See how God’s kingdom is like yeast
You will need: balloon, yeast sachet, plastic bottle, balloon, 1tsp sugar, warm water.
- Demonstrate the experiment: Inflate and deflate the balloon a few times to soften it. Part-fill the bottle with about 1-inch warm water. Add the sachet of yeast and stir. Add the sugar and stir again, explaining that this is the food for the yeast to get to work. Stretch the deflated balloon over the neck of the bottle and place the bottle in a warm place.
- Wait to see the balloon begin to inflate. Look back together at the parable and ask what this shows about God’s kingdom.
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This little light of mine
Talk together and talk to God
Use these questions to discuss the Bible passage and then bring your thoughts together by praying to God.
Talk together
- What makes something precious?
- Where do you see God’s kingdom growing in the world?
- How might we take God’s kingdom into the world with us?
Talk to God: Precious prayers W S A
Consider the treasure in God’s kingdom
You will need: coloured paper, gem shapes, pens, treasure chest.
- Set out the treasure chest in front of the children and distribute the paper gem shapes and pens.
- Invite the children to think about the ‘treasures’ of God’s kingdom that they see or that we are waiting for. Discuss further as appropriate, helping the children to think of real-life examples, such as a loved one being healed, people coming to know Jesus, kindness being shown in surprising places, a community being cared for.
- When they are ready, ask the children to write something down on the gem before adding it to the treasure chest. You can pray together about these things, as appropriate.