Related Bible reading(s): Luke 15.1-3,11b-32
Hymns, songs & music
Related to the Bible readings
Includes suggestions for:
Adult & All Ages; Children & Youth;
hymns in Welsh; and alternative online sources.
Suggestions for Adult & All Ages
(Songs in italics are suitable for all ages.)
All these pieces, broken and scattered
And can it be that I should gain
Christ’s is the world in which we move
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love
Every day he is watching
Father I can’t explain this kind of love
Give me the faith which can remove
How I love you
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
I cannot tell how he, whom angels worship
I can’t break from the chains I’m in
I love you, Lord, but I want to love you more.
I will arise and go to my father
Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
Oh, I was made for this
O what a gift! What a wonderful gift!
We were ruined in our sin
You are always fighting for us
You turned my way, you heard my cry
Sing: Suggestions for Children & Youth
Preview songs on YouTube, buy online and download. [REMOVE IF NO YOUTUBE LINKS]
One Way Jesus, Hillsong Kids
Never Lost, Elevation Worship
The Lost Are Found, Hillsong Worship onForever Reign
What Love Looks Like (Single Version), Elle Limebear
The Prodigal Song, Cory Asbury onTo Love A Fool
O Come to the Altar, Elevation Worship on Here As In Heaven;Chords
Welsh hymn selection
Ai gwir y gair fod elw i mi (CFf 539)
Arglwydd Iesu Grist (CFf 427)
Deuwn i ganu am afon mor gref (Gwefan Gobaith)
Iesu, mawr yw dy ras (Gwefan Gobaith)
Mor beraidd i’r credadun gwan (CFf 287)
Ni wn paham (Gobaith Gobaith)
O tyrd at yr allor (Gwefan Gobaith)
Other music sources