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Related Bible reading(s): Luke 13.31-35

Prepare your session

Tips on preparing this week's sessions for children and young people

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Prepare your children's session

Prepare your very young children's session

Prepare your young people's session


Prepare your children's session

Childrens Session

Read Bible notes on Luke 13.31-35

While on the surface it appears that Jesus is reciting his to-do list, he’s actually declaring his core values – the very reason for his ministry. It’s nearly spring and that, for many of us, means spring cleaning time and having a list of jobs we want to get done. But this passage encourages us to look at more than just a to-do list. Take a moment to consider your core values. How do they reflect your faith? Children may well have been looking at values in school. Some schools may have them displayed in the playground or school hall. Explore how these familiar values can be applied to the life of faith.


Prepare your very young children's session

Very young children's Session

Provide the following play materials for very young children throughout the session: chicken and fox toys or puppets.


Prepare your young people's session

Young people Session

Read Bible notes on Luke 13.31-35

Jesus is not distracted from what he must do by threats or plans of others; he stays focused. What are the things that distract you from following Jesus? Who or what helps you to stay focused?

The young people might experience many distractions and these might be overwhelming as they think about the future. Help them to see that Jesus does have plans for our lives but also is able to help us with the immediate issues we face today, tomorrow and the next day.

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