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Genesis 15.1-12,17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3.17-4.1; Luke 13.31-35


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

Come together to seek God.
Come as you are with your joys and sorrows.
Come with your thanks and doubts.
Come with your fears and hopes.
Come together to seek and worship God.

A gathering prayer

Lord, you are our light and our salvation;
our hope in times of fear.
You protect us at times of danger,
and you hear our prayers.
So, Lord, we seek your face,
and we trust in your goodness.

A prayer of approach

Faithful God,
we come to worship you,
conscious of our vulnerability
but rejoicing in your protective love.
Speak your values into our hearts,
your energy into our actions,
and your integrity into our lives,
that we may use our time well and wisely,
and be a church of compassion, conviction and courage.
In Jesus’ name we pray.

A prayer of adoration

Eternal God,
we trust you for today.
Inspire us to stay focused and to follow your plan for our lives.
We trust you for tomorrow.
Empower your people to protect the vulnerable
and to proclaim the truth.
We trust you for every day.
Be with us as we journey through life towards your great heart
of love in which there is no fear, no failure and no limits.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

A prayer of confession

Dear God,
forgive us when the words we speak expose our self-interest.
Help us, forgive us, and deepen our faith.
Forgive us when the things we do compromise your integrity.
Help us, forgive us, and deepen our faith.
Forgive us when the way we use our resources clashes with
your core values.
Help us, forgive us, and deepen our faith.
For Christ’s sake.


Assurance of forgiveness

As a hen covers her chicks with her wings,
so you cover us with your forgiving love:
drawing us into a new beginning,
a new way of being, a new way of serving;
strengthening, sustaining and surrounding us
with your power and your presence
each day of our lives and beyond.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

We praise you, loving God,
that you give each of us enough time
to do all that we are called to do.
Take from us the worry of hurry,
and enable us to delight in your presence with us,
and to share our joy with all who are in need
of hope and friendship and courage.
In Jesus’ name we pray – thankfully and hopefully.

Prayers of intercession

As events in Ukraine continue to spiral out of control and two million people needing shelter, rescue and hope have fled the country, Psalm 27 seems a good starting point for intercessions. Use some or all of the following sections, as appropriate in your context. If you are not singing/reading Psalm 27 in your worship, the Taizé chant ‘The Lord is my light’ (Words and music; YouTube) could be used before or after the prayers, or between the sections.

Save us, O Lord,
from the darkness all around us;
from the darkness within our own hearts;
from the noontide danger
and the shadows of the night.
Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who wait for the Lord.

In all areas of unresolved conflict in our troubled world,
where deep-seated grievances and complex history collide,
where shattered lives and destroyed cities are the evidence for our wars
and we feel helpless at so much brokenness:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

In political decision making on energy, security, aid and sanctions,
where true leadership and wisdom matter,
when government should meet the needs (and not the wants) of the people,
when costly decisions are needed,
and self-interest needs to be set aside for the good of others:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

In freezing temperatures, as snow falls,
when the homeless, refugees and frightened families shiver in distress,
when our visa policy is too complex and bureaucratic to save the desperate
when, in our relatively affluent country, some go hungry
and many with homes are struggling to stay warm amid rising energy costs,
we know that change is needed:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

In our relative security and safety in this country.
where we are tempted to trust in our own strength,
when our compassion fails,
when we lack the imagination to walk in the shoes of the dispossessed,
and we lose sight of our own dependence on you:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

In the mountains of our possessions,
when we spend, acquire and accumulate things that do not lead to life,
and are obsessed with more, bigger and better we forget the needs of others:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

In the tangled conflicts at home, school or work in which we are trapped,
when we cannot give in and the desire to win is greater than our search for a resolution,
soften our stubborn hearts, we pray:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

In the absence of safety and home,
when refugees flee to the borders in the pauses between shelling,
when a humanitarian crisis is building and families are torn apart and we fear the fresh horrors of the news:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

In all our dreams and longings,
where freedom itself is at stake,
and we yearn for a better, fairer and kinder world,
teach us to seek your face and listen to your voice
in all our ways and for all of our days:
God of our hope, we place our trust in you.
Help us to walk in your light.

Save us, O Lord,
from the darkness all around us;
from the darkness within our own hearts;
from the noontide danger
and the shadows of the night.
Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who wait for the Lord. Amen.

A prayer for all ages together

Lord, this week, walk beside us. (mime walking)
When we are sad, comfort us. (mime hugging)
When we are happy, laugh with us. (laugh)
When we are frightened, protect us. (defensive stance)
When we fail, help us. (clasp hands together)
Lord, this week, walk beside us. (mime walking)

A sending out prayer

Give everyone a copy of this prayer to take home.
Teach me, Lord God, to live out my faith;
to show courage when things are tough,
to show love to those in need,
and to be forgiving even when I am hurt.
Help me to follow Jesus.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  13-19 Mawrth 2022

Heddiw, yfory a thrennydd

Luc 13.31-35

Galwad i addoli

Dewch ynghyd i geisio Duw.
Dewch fel yr ydych gyda’ch llawenydd a’ch tristwch.
Dewch gyda’ch diolchiadau a’ch amheuon.
Dewch gyda’ch ofnau a’ch gobeithion.
Dewch ynghyd i geisio Duw a’i addoli ef.

Gweddi ymgynnull

Arglwydd, ti yw ein goleuni a’n gwaredigaeth;
ein gobaith mewn adegau o ofn.
Rwyt yn ein hamddiffyn pan fyddwn mewn perygl,
ac rwyt yn clywed ein gweddïau.
Felly, Arglwydd, ceisiwn dy wyneb,
ac ymddiriedwn yn dy ddaioni.

Gweddi ddynesu

Dduw ffyddlon,
down i’th addoli di,
yn ymwybodol ein bod yn fregus
ond yn ymhyfrydu yn dy gariad amddiffynnol.
Llefara dy werthoedd i’n calonnau,
dy egni i’n gweithredoedd,
a’th ddidwylledd i’n bywydau,
fel y bydd i ni ddefnyddio ein hamser yn dda ac yn ddoeth,
a bod yn eglwys o drugaredd, argyhoeddiad a dewrder.
Gweddïwn yn enw Iesu.

Gweddi o addoliad

Dduw tragwyddol,
ymddiriedwn ynot ti ar gyfer heddiw.
Ysbrydola ni i ganolbwyntio ac i ddilyn dy gynllun di ar gyfer ein bywydau.
Ymddiriedwn ynot ti ar gyfer yfory.
Galluoga dy bobl i amddiffyn y bregus
ac i gyhoeddi’r gwir.
Ymddiriedwn ynot ti ar gyfer pob dydd.
Bydd gyda ni wrth i ni deithio trwy fywyd tuag at dy galon fawr di
sy’n llawn cariad a lle nad oes ofn, methiant na ffiniau.

Gweddi o gyffes

Dduw annwyl,
maddau i ni pan fydd y geiriau a siaradwn yn amlygu ein diddordeb yn ein hunan-les.
Helpa ni, maddau i ni, a dyfnha ein ffydd.
Maddau i ni pan fydd y pethau a wnawn yn cyfaddawdu dy unplygrwydd.
Helpa ni, maddau i ni, a dyfnha ein ffydd.
Maddau i ni pan fydd y ffordd y defnyddiwn ein hadnoddau yn gwrthdaro â’th werthoedd craidd.
Helpa ni, maddau i ni, a dyfnha ein ffydd.
Er mwyn Crist.

Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Fel y mae iâr yn casglu ei chywion dan ei hadenydd,
felly yr wyt ti yn ein diogelu ni â’th gariad maddeugar:
yn ein tynnu i ddechreuad newydd,
ffordd newydd o fyw, ffordd newydd o wasanaethu;
yn ein cryfhau, ein cynnal a’n hamgylchynu ni
â’th nerth a’th bresenoldeb
bob dydd o’n bywyd a thu hwnt.

Gweddi o ddiolchgarwch

Molwn di, Dduw cariadlon,
am dy fod yn rhoi digon o amser i bob un ohonom
i wneud popeth y cawn ein galw i’w wneud.
Paid â gadael i ni boeni am frysio,
a galluoga ni i ymhyfrydu yn dy bresenoldeb gyda ni,
ac i rannu ein llawenydd â phawb y mae arnynt angen
gobaith a chyfeillgarwch a dewrder.
Gweddïwn yn enw Iesu – yn ddiolchgar ac yn obeithiol.

Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

Arglwydd, yr wythnos hon, cerdda gyda ni. (meimio cerdded)
Pan fyddwn yn drist, cysura ni. (meimio cofleidio)
Pan fyddwn yn hapus, chwertha gyda ni. (chwerthin)
Pan fyddwn yn ofnus, amddiffynna ni. (ystum amddiffynnol)
Pan fyddwn yn methu, helpa ni. (plethu dwylo gyda’i gilydd)
Arglwydd, yr wythnos hon, cerdda gyda ni. (meimio cerdded)

Gweddi i gloi

Rhowch gopi o’r weddi hon i bawb i fynd adref.

Dysga fi, Arglwydd Dduw, i fyw fy ffydd;
i fod yn ddewr pan fydd pethau’n anodd,
i ddangos cariad tuag at rai sydd mewn angen,
ac i faddau hyd yn oed pan fyddaf wedi cael fy mrifo.
Helpa fi i ddilyn Iesu.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Give everyone an outline of a hen and encourage them to write their names on it.

Lord Jesus Christ,
as we gather today,
may we always remember that you love and care for us.

A prayer for others (for children)

Dear God,
when our friends are sad:
Help us to be kind and look after them.
When our friends are hurting:
Help us to be kind and look after them.
When our friends are worried:
Help us to be kind and look after them.

A prayer of thanksgiving for children

Heavenly Father,
thank you that you care about the big things and the small
things in our lives.
Thank you that you are with us today, tomorrow and the next day.
Thank you that you will never leave us.

A prayer for forgiveness (for children)

God of today,
we are sorry when we only think about ourselves
and don’t think about our family and friends,
or our neighbours who might need your love.
Forgive us, Lord, and help us to live differently
tomorrow and the next day.

A sending out prayer for children

Lord Jesus,
as you care for us,
help us to be kind and look after our friends
when they find life difficult.

Pray in a ball

Ask the children to curl up tight into a tiny ball and think about what it means for us to put God at the centre of who we are and what we do.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 13-19 Mawrth 2022

Heddiw, yfory a thrennydd

Luc 13.31-35

Gweddi ymgynnull

Rhowch amlinelliad o iâr i bawb ac anogwch nhw i ysgrifennu
eu henwau arnynt.
Arglwydd Iesu Grist,
wrth i ni ymgynnull heddiw, boed i ni gofio bob amser dy fod di
yn ein caru ac yn gofalu amdanom.

Gweddïo mewn pêl

Gofynnwch i’r plant gyrlio’n dynn yn bêl fach a meddwl am
yr hyn mae’n ei olygu i ni roi Duw yng nghanol yr hyn ydym ni
a beth ydym ni’n ei wneud.

Gweddi o ddiolch

Dad nefol,
diolch i ti dy fod yn gofalu am y pethau mawr a’r pethau bach
yn ein bywydau.
Diolch i ti am fod gyda ni heddiw, yfory a thrennydd.
Diolch i ti na fyddi di byth yn ein gadael.

Gweddi am faddeuant

Dduw ar gyfer heddiw,
mae’n ddrwg gennym pan fyddwn yn meddwl amdanom ein hunain yn unig
ac yn methu meddwl am ein teulu a’n ffrindiau,
na’n cymdogion a allai fod angen dy gariad di.
Maddau i ni, Arglwydd, a helpa ni i fyw yn wahanol
yfory a thrennydd.

Gweddi dros eraill

Dduw annwyl,
pan fydd ein ffrindiau yn drist:
Helpa ni i fod yn garedig a gofalu amdanynt.
Pan fydd ein ffrindiau yn dioddef:
Helpa ni i fod yn garedig a gofalu amdanynt.
Pan fydd ein ffrindiau yn bryderus:
Helpa ni i fod yn garedig a gofalu amdanynt.

Gweddi i gloi

Arglwydd Iesu,
yn union fel yr wyt ti yn gofalu amdanom ni,
helpa ni i fod yn garedig tuag at ein ffrindiau ac edrych ar eu holau
pan fydd bywyd yn anodd iddynt.

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