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Related Bible reading(s): Luke 13.31-35

Go with God

Consider together what you have explored, what that means for each of you and how it might influence your daily lives. (10 mins)

Activities marked with an asterisk  next to the activity title are in addition to the resources in the Ready to go sessions. Suggested timings for these activities are also shown. NB The inclusion of additional activities varies from week to week.



Childrens Session
  • Provide pots of bubbles for each child.
  • Ask the children to think about their core values. As they think about these, invite everyone to blow their bubbles. In the same way that we can’t see our breath, our core values are not visible. But we can see the effect of our breath on the bubbles, and we can see the impact of our values on our behaviour.


Go with God 24/7

Encourage the children to put their faith into action

Each morning,  strike a ‘James Bond’ pose and set yourself a mission for the day. 


Before you finish, give out the ROOTS at home resource to encourage faith at home.


Childrens Session
Very young childrens Session


To the tune: Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Farewell friends, as we depart,
keep these stories in our hearts.
Through these days of Lent we know,
that our faith in God may grow.
Through temptations in our days,
be like Jesus through our ways.



Young people Session
  • Invite the young people to write down the things they plan to do today, tomorrow and the next day, but tell them that these will be shared.
  • Ask everyone to fold up their to-do list and put it in a container, then ask everyone to take one list out that belongs to someone else and commit to praying for that list in the coming days.


Go with God 24/7

Take one of the values sticky notes (see Stay focused) and display it as a reminder to live it out. 


Before you finish, give out the ROOTS at home resource to encourage faith at home.


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W Word E Emotion S Symbol A Action
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