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Related Bible reading(s): Mark 10.17-31

Prepare your session

Tips on preparing this week's sessions for children and young people

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Prepare your children's session

Prepare your very young children's session

Prepare your young people's session


Prepare your children's session

Childrens Session

Read Bible notes on Mark 10.17-31

The rich young man is self-confident and self-contained, he has wealth, status and is morally upright – but he can’t let go of what he has, in order to follow Jesus. What might you need to let go of in order to put your relationship with God first?

Explore with the children the things that fill our hearts. Help them to think about these as ‘treasures’ or the things we value, and that they are not necessarily bad, but we should remember how to put Jesus first in our hearts, minds and in our lives.


Prepare your very young children's session

Very young children's Session

Provide the following play materials for very young children throughout the session: wooden building blocks and barriers.


Prepare your young people's session

Young people Session

Read Bible notes on Mark 10.17-31

The rich young ruler placed his riches and security ahead of his relationship with God. He was good at giving the appearance of being holy, but Jesus is more interested in what’s in our hearts. Reflect on where your security lies: What is in your heart and what things could be getting in the way of your relationship with God?

Encourage your group to really engage with the parable and place themselves in the story. Help them to consider what things could be obstacles in their relationship with God, e.g. social media, phones, possessions, trying to fit in.

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