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Amos 5.6-7,10-15; Psalm 90.12-17; Hebrews 4.12-16; Mark 10.17-31


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

Satisfy us with your steadfast love
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days,
and gain a wise heart.
Come and meet the Lord who loves us and is all we need.
Come, rejoice and be glad as we worship together.

A gathering prayer

Loving Lord, you know us better than we know ourselves.
As we come together to worship you,
help us to explore our relationship with you.
May your words and challenges strengthen and affirm us.
May your love sustain us and guide us.
May our worship be acceptable to you.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A prayer of approach

Lord God, the rich man had obviously been pondering.
His thoughts brought him to his knees before you.
He thought eternal life was something he could achieve.
But he suspected there was more to know.
And he was right!
We come today with our ponderings,
to bow before you,
to ask you to meet with us here,
and teach us with words of eternal life. Amen.

A prayer of adoration

God of all relationships,
God of solved problems,
you care so much for each one of us.
We praise and worship you, O God.
Whether our problems feel tiny,
and hardly worth bothering you with,
or huge – just huge –
you are always there for us.
We praise and worship you, O God.
All things are possible with you most mighty God,
you are the God of eternal life,
you are always at the heart of all our concerns.
We praise and worship you, O God. Amen.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

Invite people to spend some time thinking about things that get in the way of their relationship with God. Give them red heart shapes on which to write/draw things they are sorry about. Gather the hearts together in a basket and pray:

Lord, there are so many things that can get in the way of our relationship with you. We offer them to you now and ask that you will forgive us and show us new ways to always put you first. Whatever that may take. Grant us your wisdom, Lord. Amen.


As we bow before you now, our hearts contrite:
All things are possible with God.
You call us to yourself and bless us with the assurance that our sins are completely washed away in you.
All things are possible with God.
We thank you for your forgiveness.
We bless you, Lord.
All things are possible with God. Amen.
Give out white hearts for people to take home as a reminder that their sins are forgiven.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

Thank you, God, that all things are possible with you.
If we truly do something in your name,
however hard it has been, you will bless us.
You are always there to guide us,
to keep us on the right track.
Thank you that when we don’t understand something –
such as a camel going through the eye of the needle –
you are there to give us understanding.
You keep us on the straight and narrow way
when we need it most.
Thank you, God, that with you everything is new.
Through you we know we have the way to eternal life.
Thank you, Lord. Just, thank you. Amen.

Prayers of intercession

We bring to you: the fuel crisis, the disruption of supplies and services, the fears of empty shelves in shops; and we pray for the government and all decision makers.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring to you the police and criminal justice system, and those whose confidence in the police has been shaken. We pray for those who seek to restore faith in an organisation and its people who are supposed to offer security and protection.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring you the NHS and all who work for it. We pray especially for those facing difficult decisions concerning appropriate treatments, safety of staff and matters concerning Covid-19.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring to you the church throughout the world, different traditions, different denominations. We pray for those who seek to guide the mission of the Church that your Word may be spread and your work done in all places. We bring to you those who are challenged by lack of resources to achieve their vision of your kingdom.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring to you all those who face difficult choices, those without enough money for the essentials of life, those facing decisions about medical treatment or concerns about housing. We pray that they may find help and support in their communities.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

As we bring all these things – indeed, the whole world –  to you, knowing that there is much that needs doing, we are reminded today that first of all things is our relationship with you. Wisdom comes from you. By your Spirit, you guide and strengthen us. You show us the path, and help us to make our decisions. All things are possible with you, and without you we can achieve so little.

Loving God.
May your wisdom shape our choices.

To the sick bring healing.
To the sorrowful bring comfort.
To the despairing bring hope.
And to us bring vision, wisdom and a knowledge of your purposes.
In the name of Jesus.

A prayer for all ages together

O God, thank you for my thinking (touch head with one hand) –
help my thinking to be more like yours.
Thank you for words to speak and songs to sing (put finger on lips) –
help me to speak kindly and truthfully.
Thank you for all I have (hold hands out palms up) –
help me to share it and use it a wisely.
Thank you for all the things I can do (walk on the spot) –
help me to make wise choices.
In all that we think and say and do,
bless us and guide us, O God. Amen.

A sending out prayer

Loving God, who sees us and loves us just as we are,
be with us and go with us,
guide us and challenge us
to draw closer to you,
and to be and live more like Christ.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  10-16 Hydref 2021

Calon ddoeth

Marc 10.17-31

Galwad i addoli
yn seiliedig ar Salm 90

Digona ni â’th gariad digyfnewid
i ni gael gorfoleddu a llawenhau ein holl ddyddiau,
ac ennill calon ddoeth.
Dewch i gyfarfod yr Arglwydd sy’n ein caru ac sydd y cyfan y mae arnom ei angen.
Dewch, gorfoleddwch a llawenhewch wrth i ni addoli gyda’n gilydd.


Gweddi ymgynnull

Arglwydd cariadlon, rwyt yn ein hadnabod yn well nag yr ydym yn ein hadnabod ein hunain.
Wrth i ni ddod ynghyd i’th addoli di,
helpa ni i archwilio ein perthynas â thi.
Boed i’th eiriau a’th heriau ein cryfhau a’n cadarnhau.
Boed i’th gariad ein cynnal a’n harwain.
Boed i’n haddoliad fod yn dderbyniol gennyt ti.
Yn enw Iesu.


Gweddi ddynesu

Arglwydd Dduw, mae’n amlwg fod y dyn cyfoethog wedi bod yn pendroni.
Daeth ei feddyliau ag ef ar ei liniau ger dy fron.
Roedd yn meddwl bod bywyd tragwyddol yn rhywbeth y gallai ymgyrraedd ato.
Ond roedd yn amau bod mwy i’w wybod.
Ac roedd yn iawn!
Down heddiw â’n meddyliau,
i ymgrymu ger dy fron,
i ofyn i ti ein cyfarfod ni yma,
a’n dysgu ni â geiriau bywyd tragwyddol.


Gweddi o addoliad

Dduw pob perthynas,
Dduw’r problemau a ddatryswyd,
rwyt mor ofalus o bob un ohonom.
Molwn ac addolwn di, O Dduw.

Pa un ai yw ein problemau yn teimlo’n fychan,
a phrin yn werth dy boeni di yn eu cylch,
neu yn anferth – yn wirioneddol anferth –
rwyt ti yno bob amser i ni.
Molwn ac addolwn di, O Dduw.

Mae popeth yn bosibl gyda thi, Dduw tra nerthol,
ti yw Duw bywyd tragwyddol,
rwyt ti bob amser wrth galon ein holl bryderon.
Molwn ac addolwn di, O Dduw.


Gweddi o gyffes

Gwahoddwch bawb i dreulio rhywfaint o amser yn meddwl am bethau sy’n torri ar draws eu perthynas â Duw. Rhowch siapiau calonnau coch iddynt i ysgrifennu/tynnu llun pethau y mae’n ddrwg ganddynt amdanynt. Casglwch y calonnau at ei gilydd mewn basged a gweddïwch:

Arglwydd, mae yna gymaint o bethau a all dorri ar draws ein perthynas â thi. Down â hwy atat yn awr a gofynnwn i ti faddau i ni a dangos i ni ffyrdd newydd i’th roi di yn gyntaf bob amser, beth bynnag fydd angen i ni ei wneud i sicrhau hynny. Rho i ni dy ddoethineb, Arglwydd.


Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Wrth i ni blygu o’th flaen yn awr, mae ein calonnau yn edifar:
Mae popeth yn bosibl gyda Duw.
Rwyt yn ein galw atat ti ac yn ein bendithio â’r sicrwydd fod
ein pechodau yn cael eu golchi ymaith yn gyfan gwbl ynot ti.
Mae popeth yn bosibl gyda Duw.
Diolchwn i ti am dy faddeuant.
Bendithiwn di, Arglwydd.
Mae popeth yn bosibl gyda Duw.
Rhowch galonnau gwynion i bawb i fynd adref i’w hatgoffa
bod eu pechodau wedi eu maddau.


Gweddi o fawl

Diolch i ti, Dduw, fod popeth yn bosibl gyda thi.
Os byddwn o ddifrif yn gwneud rhywbeth yn dy enw di,
pa mor anodd bynnag fydd hynny, byddi di yn ein bendithio.
Rwyt ti yno bob amser i’n harwain ni,
i’n cadw ar y llwybr cywir.
Pan fyddwn yn methu deall rhywbeth –
fel sut gall camel fynd trwy grai nodwydd –
rwyt ti yno i’n helpu i ddeall.
Rwyt yn ein cadw ar y llwybr syth a chul
pan fydd arnom fwyaf o angen hynny.
Diolch i ti, Dduw, fod popeth yn newydd gyda thi.
Drwot ti gwyddom fod y ffordd gennym i fywyd tragwyddol.
Diolch i ti, Arglwydd. Dim ond – diolch.


Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

O Dduw, diolch i ti am fy meddyliau (cyffwrdd y pen ag un llaw)
helpa fy meddyliau i fod yn debycach i’th feddyliau di.
Diolch i ti am eiriau i’w siarad a chaneuon i’w canu (rhoi bys ar y gwefusau)
helpa fi i siarad yn garedig ac i ddweud y gwir.
Diolch i ti am bopeth sydd gennyf (dal dwylo allan a’r cledrau i fyny)
helpa fi i’w rannu a’i ddefnyddio’n ddoeth.
Diolch i ti am bopeth y gallaf ei wneud (cerdded yn yr unfan)
helpa fi i ddewis yn ddoeth.
Ym mhopeth a feddyliwn ac a ddywedwn ac a wnawn,
bendithia ni ac arwain ni, O Dduw.


Gweddi i gloi

Dduw cariadlon, sy’n ein gweld ac yn ein caru yn union fel yr ydym,
bydd gyda ni a dos gyda ni,
arwain ni a heria ni
i ddod yn nes atat ti,
ac i fyw a bod yn debycach i Grist.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Hello, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, hello!
We’re here to think, pray and grow.
We bring ourselves to you, dear king.
Minds, hearts, bodies, everything! Amen

A prayer of thanksgiving for children

Lord Jesus, for food to eat, clothes, family and friends:
We thank you.
For all our special belongings:
We thank you.
For the world around us that we can make better by sharing:
We thank you.

A prayer for forgiveness (for children)

Loving God, you gave everything for us,
yet we keep on wanting more and more.
Forgive us, when we are so busy thinking about what we want,
that we forget to follow you.
Help us to share our time and spend our money
thoughtfully and generously. Amen.

A prayer for others (for children)

God of love, we pray for those
with no toys, food, nice clothes or games.
May all who have more than enough share it,
so we show your love to all we meet. Amen.

A sending out prayer for children

May we put you first this week Lord.
May we be aware of others’ needs rather than what we want.
May we give rather than take and serve you better. Amen.

Bubble prayer

Give each child a pot of bubbles and encourage them to blow lots of bubbles. As they do so, pray:
Lord, help us to blow away the things that come between us and God. Amen.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 10-16 Hydref 2021

Calon ddoeth

Marc 10.17-31

Gweddi o ddiolch

Arglwydd Iesu, am fwyd i’w fwyta, dillad, teulu a ffrindiau:
Diolch i ti.
Am bopeth sy’n bwysig ac yn arbennig i ni:
Diolch i ti.
Am y byd o’n cwmpas y gallwn ei wella trwy rannu:
Diolch i ti.

Gweddïo gyda swigod

Rhowch bot o swigod i bob plentyn ac anogwch nhw i chwythu
llawer o swigod. Wrth iddynt wneud hynny, gweddïwch:
Arglwydd, helpa ni i chwythu i ffwrdd y pethau sy’n dod
rhyngom ni a Duw.

Gweddi ymgynnull

Helô, Arglwydd Iesu, Arglwydd Iesu, helô!
Rydym yma i feddwl, i weddïo ac i dyfu.
Down â’n hunain atat ti, frenin annwyl.
Meddyliau, calonnau, cyrff, popeth!

Gweddi am faddeuant

Dduw cariadlon, rwyt wedi rhoi’r cwbl er ein mwyn,
ac eto rydym yn dal i fod eisiau mwy a mwy.
Maddau i ni, pan fyddwn mor brysur yn meddwl am yr hyn rydym ei eisiau,
fel ein bod yn anghofio dy ddilyn di.
Helpa ni i rannu’n hamser a gwario’n harian
yn feddylgar ac yn hael.

Gweddi dros eraill

Dduw cariad, gweddïwn dros y rhai
sydd heb deganau, bwyd, dillad hardd na gemau.
Fe hoffem weld pobl yn rhannu os oes ganddynt fwy na digon,
fel ein bod yn dangos dy gariad i bawb rydym yn eu cyfarfod.

Gweddi i gloi

Boed i ni dy roi di’n gyntaf yr wythnos hon, Arglwydd.
Boed i ni feddwl beth yw anghenion pobl eraill yn hytrach na beth rydym ni ei eisiau.
Boed i ni roi yn hytrach na derbyn, a’th wasanaethu di yn well.

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