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Related Bible reading(s): Mark 10.17-31

Prayers of intercession

May your wisdom shape their choices

We bring to you: the fuel crisis, the disruption of supplies and services, the fears of empty shelves in shops; and we pray for the government and all decision makers.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring to you the police and criminal justice system, and those whose confidence in the police has been shaken. We pray for those who seek to restore faith in an organisation and its people who are supposed to offer security and protection.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring you the NHS and all who work for it. We pray especially for those facing difficult decisions concerning appropriate treatments, safety of staff and matters concerning Covid-19.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring to you the church throughout the world, different traditions, different denominations. We pray for those who seek to guide the mission of the Church that your Word may be spread and your work done in all places. We bring to you those who are challenged by lack of resources to achieve their vision of your kingdom.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

We bring to you all those who face difficult choices, those without enough money for the essentials of life, those facing decisions about medical treatment or concerns about housing. We pray that they may find help and support in their communities.

Loving God,
may your wisdom shape their choices.

As we bring all these things – indeed, the whole world –  to you, knowing that there is much that needs doing, we are reminded today that first of all things is our relationship with you. Wisdom comes from you. By your Spirit, you guide and strengthen us. You show us the path, and help us to make our decisions. All things are possible with you, and without you we can achieve so little.

Loving God.
May your wisdom shape our choices.

To the sick bring healing.
To the sorrowful bring comfort.
To the despairing bring hope.
And to us bring vision, wisdom and a knowledge of your purposes.
In the name of Jesus.

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