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Related Bible reading(s): Mark 4.26-34

Prayers of intercession

Plant, grow and flourish

God of the rich and the poor, of the powerful and the vulnerable,
we pray for the leaders of the G7 nations meeting in Cornwall,
for the people they govern,
for the people of other nations they can support,
and for the world they can protect through their decisions.
May wisdom be planted, generosity grow, and co-operation flourish.

We pray for a growth in resilience, awareness and togetherness
across all the nations of the world
as they continue to tackle the covid pandemic,
as they confront environmental issues.
and as they reach out to communities crippled by need, war and natural disasters.
May integrity be planted, urgency grow and healing flourish.

We pray for the church in this place and around the world
as we seek to serve those around us,
to reach out to those in trouble,
and to share the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.
May faith be planted, compassion grow and hope flourish.

We pray for those in the charity sector
who seek to support those in crisis,
to feed the hungry,
to embrace those displaced by war,
to protect wildlife and the environment, and planet that we all call home.
May trust be planted, resources grow and lives flourish.

We pray for those in sport,
for those they inspire,
for the enjoyment they bring,
especially all the nations taking part in the Football Euros,
for those preparing for and hoping that the Olympic Games will take place,
for all those at grass roots level struggling to keep their clubs going.
May respect be planted, opportunities grow and talent flourish.

And we pray for those whose faces we have seen on our screens
and in our papers this week.
for the family of Sarah Everard,
for little Artin and his family, and all those who have died crossing dangerous waters,
for Jimi Olubunmi-Adewole and his family and all who have died trying to save others,
for all who have enriched our world and for all who are at the mercy of others.
May justice be planted, goodness grow and peace flourish -
in Jesus name. Amen.

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