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Ezekiel 17.22-24; Psalm 92.1-4,12-15; 2 Corinthians 5.6-10(11-13)14-17; Mark 4.26-34


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

‘Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God.’
(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Let us worship our Creator God,
who has given us the miracle of life
and sustains us through the sacred rhythms of planet Earth.

A gathering prayer

Here we are, Creator God, Lord and Spirit,
standing before you, grounded on the earth,
our hands stretched high like a tree.
You fill us with amazement, wonderful God. Amen.

A prayer of approach

Creator God,
we bring to you all that is growing within us:
for you to bless and nurture.
We bring our prayers for the spread of your kingdom:
for you to bless and nurture.
We bring the initiatives for justice multiplying among nations:
for you to bless and nurture.
We bring the hopes and dreams, tiny and big,
of all your children around the world:
for you to bless and nurture.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A prayer of adoration

God of mystery,
Sower, Saviour, Spirit,
we worship you;
and we ask you to give us:
eyes to notice where the seeds of your kingdom are growing,
courage to show them to others,
faith enough to help nurture them,
and a heart that delights in their harvest. Amen.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

God of all,
you do not force growth but nurture it.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
You do not start big but start small.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
You do not sow greedily but graciously.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
You do not hurry the harvest but hallow it.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
Forgive us, and accept the work of our hands,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Living God,
from a mustard seed to a tree, from I to we,
in you we grow. Amen.
In the mystery of the unseen, from brown field to green,
in you we grow. Amen.
By faith and not by sight, by day and by night,
in you we grow. Amen.
Forgiven and freed, through word and deed,
in you we grow. Amen.
As we sow and reap, as we laugh and weep,
in you we grow. Amen.
May your kingdom come, Father, Spirit, Son,
as in you we grow. Amen.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

God of grace and growth,
you have called us to plant the seeds of your kingdom
in the fields of your world,
and to trust you for their developing and flourishing –
and so we praise you.
For the abundance of your creativity:
we praise you.
For the transforming nature of your Spirit:
we praise you.
For the power of small beginnings:
we praise you.
For the mystery of hidden growth:
we praise you.
And for the harvest we are invited to delight in:
we praise you.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayers of intercession

God of the rich and the poor, of the powerful and the vulnerable,
we pray for the leaders of the G7 nations meeting in Cornwall,
for the people they govern,
for the people of other nations they can support,
and for the world they can protect through their decisions.
May wisdom be planted, generosity grow, and co-operation flourish.

We pray for a growth in resilience, awareness and togetherness
across all the nations of the world
as they continue to tackle the covid pandemic,
as they confront environmental issues.
and as they reach out to communities crippled by need, war and natural disasters.
May integrity be planted, urgency grow and healing flourish.

We pray for the church in this place and around the world
as we seek to serve those around us,
to reach out to those in trouble,
and to share the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.
May faith be planted, compassion grow and hope flourish.

We pray for those in the charity sector
who seek to support those in crisis,
to feed the hungry,
to embrace those displaced by war,
to protect wildlife and the environment, and planet that we all call home.
May trust be planted, resources grow and lives flourish.

We pray for those in sport,
for those they inspire,
for the enjoyment they bring,
especially all the nations taking part in the Football Euros,
for those preparing for and hoping that the Olympic Games will take place,
for all those at grass roots level struggling to keep their clubs going.
May respect be planted, opportunities grow and talent flourish.

And we pray for those whose faces we have seen on our screens
and in our papers this week.
for the family of Sarah Everard,
for little Artin and his family, and all those who have died crossing dangerous waters,
for Jimi Olubunmi-Adewole and his family and all who have died trying to save others,
for all who have enriched our world and for all who are at the mercy of others.
May justice be planted, goodness grow and peace flourish -
in Jesus name. Amen.

A prayer for all ages together

Living God,
open our eyes to the goodness of your creation. (look around)
Help us to care for it like a gardener (mime digging)
with times for planting, watering, harvesting and rest. (mime each one)
Help us to live in the rhythms of nature, (quietly tap a slow rhythm)
treading lightly (gentle ‘on the spot’ steps)
and hearing your voice call softly in the evening. (hand behind ear, listening).

A sending out prayer

Go in peace to love and serve God’s world.
It is beautiful and you are part of it.
It is our sacred commission to help God love it.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  13-19 Mehefin 2021

Anturio a thyfu

Marc 4.26-34

Galwad i addoli

‘Mae’r ddaear yn orlawn o’r nefoedd, a phob llwyn cyffredin yn wenfflam o Dduw.’ (Elizabeth Barrett Browning, cyf.)
Addolwn ein Duw Greawdwr,
sydd wedi rhoi’r wyrth o fywyd i ni
ac sy’n ein cynnal trwy rythmau sanctaidd y blaned Daear.


Gweddi ymgynnull

Dyma ni, Dduw’r Creawdwr, Arglwydd ac Ysbryd,
yn sefyll o’th flaen, yn gadarn ar y ddaear,
a’n dwylo’n ymestyn yn uchel fel coeden.
Rwyt yn ein llenwi â syndod, Dduw rhyfeddol.


Gweddi ddynesu

Dduw’r Creawdwr,
down â phopeth sy’n tyfu o’n mewn atat ti:
er mwyn i ti eu bendithio a’u meithrin.
Down â’n gweddïau dros ledaeniad dy deyrnas:
er mwyn i ti eu bendithio a’u meithrin.
Down â’r mentrau ar gyfer cynyddu cyfiawnder ymhlith cenhedloedd:
er mwyn i ti eu bendithio a’u meithrin.
Down â gobeithion a breuddwydion bach a mawr
dy holl blant ledled y byd:
er mwyn i ti eu bendithio a’u meithrin.
Yn enw Iesu.


Gweddi o addoliad

Dduw dirgelwch,
Heuwr, Gwaredwr, Ysbryd,
addolwn di;
a gofynnwn i ti roi i ni:
lygaid i sylwi ble mae hadau dy deyrnas yn tyfu,
dewrder i’w dangos i eraill,
digon o ffydd i helpu i’w meithrin,
a chalon sy’n ymhyfrydu yn eu cynhaeaf.


Gweddi o gyffes

Dduw pawb a phopeth,
rwyt ti yn meithrin tyfiant yn hytrach na’i orfodi.
Maddau i ni pan fydd arnom eisiau gormod yn rhy fuan.
Rwyt ti yn dechrau yn fach yn hytrach na dechrau yn fawr.
Maddau i ni pan fydd arnom eisiau gormod yn rhy fuan.
Rwyt ti yn hau yn raslon yn hytrach nag yn farus.
Maddau i ni pan fydd arnom eisiau gormod yn rhy fuan.
Rwyt ti yn cysegru’r cynhaeaf yn hytrach na’i frysio.
Maddau i ni pan fydd arnom eisiau gormod yn rhy fuan.
Maddau i ni, a derbyn waith ein dwylo,
yn enw Iesu.


Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Dduw byw,
o hedyn mwstard i goeden, o’r fi i’r ni,
ynot ti rydym yn tyfu. Amen.
Yn nirgelwch yr anweledig, o gae brown i wyrddni,
ynot ti rydym yn tyfu. Amen.
Trwy ffydd ac nid trwy weld, ddydd a nos,
ynot ti rydym yn tyfu. Amen.
Wedi derbyn maddeuant a chael ein rhyddhau, trwy air a gweithred,
ynot ti rydym yn tyfu. Amen.
Wrth i ni hau a medi, chwerthin a chrio,
ynot ti rydym yn tyfu. Amen.
Deled dy deyrnas, Dad, Ysbryd, Mab,
wrth i ni dyfu ynot ti.


Gweddi o fawl

Dduw gras a thwf,
rwyt wedi galw arnom i hau hadau dy deyrnas
yng nghaeau dy fyd,
ac i ymddiried ynot ti y byddant yn datblygu ac yn ffynnu –
ac felly molwn di.
Am dy greadigrwydd helaeth:
molwn di.
Am weddnewid natur dy Ysbryd:
molwn di.
Am rym dechreuadau bychain:
molwn di.
Am ddirgelwch tyfiant cudd:
molwn di.
Ac am y cynhaeaf y’n gwahoddir ni i ymhyfrydu ynddo:
molwn di. Yn enw Iesu.


Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed

Dduw byw,
agor ein llygaid i weld daioni dy gread. (edrych o gwmpas)
Helpa ni i ofalu amdano fel garddwr (meimio palu)
gydag amser i blannu, dyfrio, cynaeafu a gorffwyso. (meimio pob un)
Helpa ni i fyw yn rhythmau natur, (taro rhythm araf yn ddistaw)
gan gamu’n ysgafn (camau ysgafn ‘yn yr unfan’)
a chlywed dy lais yn galw’n dawel gyda’r nos. (llaw tu ôl i’r glust, yn gwrando).



Ewch mewn tangnefedd i garu a gwasanaethu byd Duw.
Mae’n hardd ac rydych yn rhan ohono.
Ein comisiwn sanctaidd yw helpu Duw i’w garu.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Creator God, may we be
ready to plant your words,
ready to grow in faith and
ready to go and sow your love.

A prayer of thanksgiving for children

Creator God,
thank you that you have planted us here.
Thank you for roots of friendship,
and the fruit of the Spirit.

A prayer for forgiveness (for children)

Fill compostable pots with compost and plant seeds inside.
Lord, we know that
the rubbish that fills our world,
plastic and poverty, waste and want,
fills you with sadness.
Forgive us for wasting our resources
and stunting the earth’s life.
May we sow hope in the world
that you created.

A prayer for others (for children)

We pray for those who are in need,
especially those who are ill.
Lord God, may they know that we are praying
for them to know your love and peace.

A sending out prayer for children

Creator God, send us out to be
ready to learn from your words,
ready to grow in faith and
ready to sow the seeds of your love.

Growing prayer

If possible, go outside and look at some flowers or plants (or look at pictures) and spend some time wondering at how seeds grow into the beauty of nature. 

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 13-19 Mehefin 2021

Anturio a thyfu

Marc 4.26-34

Gweddi o ddiolch

Dduw’r Creawdwr,
diolch i ti am ein plannu yma.
Diolch i ti am wreiddiau cyfeillgarwch,
a ffrwyth yr Ysbryd.

Gweddïo y tu allan

Os yn bosibl, ewch allan ac edrychwch ar flodau neu blanhigion
(neu edrychwch ar luniau) a threuliwch rywfaint o amser yn meddwl
tybed sut mae hadau yn tyfu i harddwch natur.

Gweddi ymgynnull

Dduw’r Creawdwr, boed i ni fod
yn barod i blannu dy eiriau,
yn barod i dyfu mewn ffydd ac
yn barod i fynd i hau dy gariad.

Gweddi am faddeuant

Llenwch botiau â chompost a phlannwch hadau ynddynt.

Arglwydd, rydym yn gwybod bod sbwriel sy’n llenwi ein byd,
plastig a thlodi, gwastraff ac angen,  
yn dy lenwi â thristwch.
Maddau i ni am wastraffu ein hadnoddau
a byrhau bywyd y ddaear.
Rydym eisiau hau gobaith yn y  byd
rwyt ti wedi’i greu.

Gweddi dros eraill

Gweddïwn dros y rhai sydd mewn angen,
yn enwedig y rhai sydd yn wael.
Arglwydd Dduw, rydym am iddynt wybod ein bod yn gweddïo
am iddynt gael adnabod dy gariad a’th heddwch.

Ewch gyda Duw
Gweddi i gloi

Dduw’r Creawdwr, anfon ni allan i fod
yn barod i ddysgu oddi wrth dy eiriau,
yn barod i dyfu mewn ffydd ac
yn barod i hau hadau dy gariad.

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