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Related Bible reading(s): Acts 8.26-40; Psalm 22.25-31; 1 John 4.7-21; John 15.1-8

All-age introduction

A way to begin worship when all ages are present.

You will need: a selection of fruit, a bowl, chopping boards, safe knives, a bin, small tubs with lids – and wet wipes for washing hands.

We are going to make a fruit salad. Hold up each fruit in turn. What do people know about how it grows, where it comes from? Ask for a volunteer who likes this fruit to help chop it up for the fruit salad – involve an adult with each child, for safety. As the fruit salad is made, invite comments about the mix, the variety of fruit being used. Ask: Are we a ‘fruity’ church family? Are we bearing fruit? Do we make a good ‘fruit salad’? When the salad is complete, draw attention to any ‘bad’ parts of the fruit that were rejected, and to the clearing up and wiping of hands, as all part of the process of working together ‘fruitfully’.

You could share the fruit salad after the service, or divide it into portions for people to take to others (not present) who may enjoy a bit of fruity love!

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