For children
If you have a collection of icons or pictures, arrange them on the floor in a circle. Put tea-lights by each picture. Invite the children to sit in a circle around the pictures and pray for people in the world who are like the people in the pictures.
This is an Orthodox prayer for the feast of St Lazarus, celebrated on the Saturday before Palm Sunday:
By raising Lazarus from the dead before your passion,
You confirmed the Universal Resurrection,
O Christ God,
Like the children with Palms of Victory,
We cry out to you, O Vanquisher of Death.
Hosanna in the Highest,
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Talk through the words and ask the children to consider what they mean. Invite them to write it in their own language.
If you able to go to a churchyard, invite the children to place the posies or crosses made in the session onto the graves. Remember each person with a prayer of thanks. Finish your prayers with the person’s name followed by the words:
Jesus said
‘I am the resurrection and the life’.
Wrapped prayer
Prepare a long strip of white ribbon or bandage. Pass it around the group so that each person is holding a part. Ask the children to share a prayer for people or situations that are bound up. These may be spoken out loud or mentioned silently. After a time someone says the words:
Jesus said ‘Lazarus come out. Unbind him and let him go.’
Then pray for people and situations who are helping others to be unbound and let go.
Jesus, help unbind us and make us free.
Wind up the ribbon and finally place it next to a simple cross. Finish with the word
For young people
Action prayer
Spirit of God be
within me (touch over your heart)
to strengthen me,
beyond me (stretch out away from yourself)
to draw me, over me (link hands over head)
to shelter me
beneath me (reach down)
to support me.
Spirit of God be
before me (put hands above eyes as if looking into the distance)
to guide me,
behind me (place hands on back)
to steady me,
around about me (draw a circle around yourself)
to secure me.
Pray for all those who are unhappy because someone special to them has died. Ask that they receive comfort and strength.
Give thanks for people who are special to us who have died.
Invite the young people to think about one of their fears. They should write this on to a sheet of toilet paper (as used in Respond to the Word ).
When all have written down their fear, invite each person to bring it out and hand it to a leader. The leader should begin to make a flower, fastening one edge of each sheet together (by screwing them tightly around each other forming a stem and flower head).
The sheets of paper become petals on the flower. You could add some additional ones if needed. Explain that this symbolises the new life we can get by not letting fear play a part in our lives.
End with the following or a similar prayer:
Lord, we bring you our fears.
We offer them to you and we thank you for the new life you give us, free from fear.