Related Bible reading(s): John 11.1-45
Hymns and songs
Related to the Bible readings
Titles in plain black are suggested for adult worship.
Titles in italics are particularly suitable for adults or when all ages worship together.
Titles for use with children on their own are shown in red type.
Red and italics together indicate songs suitable for adults, children or all ages together.
From heaven you came (The Servant King)
How deep the Father's love
I am the bread of life
I believe in God the Father (KS)
I believe in J E S U S (KS)
I believe in Jesus
I need faith (KS)
In the cross of Christ I glory
It is a thing most wonderful
It's your blood
Jesu, tawa pano (HON, WGWG, SG)
Jesus is my friend (KS)
Jesus is my friend, he walks (BBP)
Lift high the cross
Light of the minds that know him
My hope is built on nothing less (HTC, MP, SG, TS)
My Lord, what love is this
O for a thousand tongues to sing
Praise to the holiest in the height
Revive thy work/your Church, O Lord
Santo, santo, santo (LAU, WGWG, SG)
Spirit, Holy Spirit (KS)
The resurrection and the life
The royal banners forward go
There is a Redeemer
These are the days of Elijah (ICF, MP, SOF, TS)
We sing the praise of him who died
When I survey the wondrous cross
When Jesus wept (CG)
Who spoke words of wisdom and life? (KS)
Key to source abbreviations - where no abbreviation is given, the song is in five or more well-known books.