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Related Bible reading(s): John 12.20-33

Talk about

Discussion ideas for children and young people

For children

Being afraid for younger children

There are times when we feel unsure and sad. That is just how Jesus was feeling, wasn’t it? He tried to let people know what was going to happen but they didn’t seem to understand. So, Jesus turned to the one person who would know how he felt — God. And God helped him.

Talk about what it is like when your friends don’t understand you. Just like Jesus, we need people we can talk to when we are afraid or unhappy. Sometimes, mum or dad, or a teacher can help. Sometimes we need to pray as well, as Jesus did.

Digging deep

Dig deep in your thinking together as to how afraid and uncertain Jesus felt about the next stage of his life. Is it encouraging that Jesus faced things that made him want to escape?

What makes us frightened? How do we cope with it? Or what about when we just don’t want to do something? God can help us see beyond our own misery. For example, visiting a relative in an old people’s home may seem boring, but to the visitor it can make all the difference. Why did Jesus want to glorify God’s name above all things (v. 28)? What does it mean to glorify God?

For young people

The Greeks in verses 20-22 seem to disappear from the story. Was their appearance just a way for John to connect with the Greek readers he was writing for? The exciting news is that Jesus is interested in everyone and not just the Jewish nation. Whatever background people in your group come from, they are included.

In this passage, Jesus struggles with what he knew he had to do. Isn’t it encouraging that Jesus wanted to chicken out? However, as he prayed, his resolve strengthened and God blessed him. There are many struggles facing young Christians. Can Jesus’ experience help them see that theirs is not an isolated experience?

Is there a difference between ‘hating your life’ as Jesus used the words, and hating yourself? The stark language of this passage may resonate with young people dealing with serious issues like bereavement or low self-esteem. Be ready to engage gently with such matters.

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