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Related Bible reading(s): John 12.20-33

Bible story: Build a picture

Simple version of John 12.20-33 for use with children. Visual aids are also supplied on the web site under the Be creative heading within today's web material.

The Gospel reading for today is not easy to use with children. It will help to have some visual aids. On a large sheet of paper, draw a background of land and sky – or stick on coloured paper. Print out and colour in the relevant pictures, which are available on the web site under the Activity heading for today. They are also linked to from this page. Cut them out, add sticky tack to the back and stick them on to a board at the relevant points in the story.

One day, some people wanted to meet Jesus, (Image 1, Jesus ) but it seemed that Jesus had other things on his mind.(Imagee 2, Jesus' friends ) He told his friends that the time had come for him to do what God wanted him to do.‘It's like this,’ he said. ‘Unless a grain of wheat goes into the ground and dies, it stays as just one seed. (Image 3, a grain of wheat ) But if it goes into the ground, it eventually grows lots of fruit.’ (Image 4, a stalk of wheat )

Then he said something else. ‘If you want to serve me, and follow me, you must go where I go and do what I do.(Image 5, children playing ‘follow my leader’ ) Sometimes it will be hard. But if you do it, God will be very, very happy with you.’

After he had said that, Jesus started to pray. (Replace the image of Jesus with one of him praying, no. 6 ) He said something like this. ‘Dear Father, I don't want to do the next bit. It will be hard. I want to ask you to rescue me. But, actually, I know that I have to do it, because I want everyone to know how wonderful you are.’

At that moment, the crowd was surprised, because God spoke to Jesus from heaven. (Add a speech bubble, with God's words) Some people said it was thunder. Others thought it was an angel.

God said: ‘I have glorified my name and I will glorify it again.’

While they were wondering about it, Jesus told his friends: ‘That voice came to help you. Not me.’

Then he said that the time had come for him to fulfill his mission. He knew that he was going to die. His friends did not understand all that he said then, but when he died and came alive again, everything began to make sense.

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