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Related Bible reading(s): John 12.20-33

Open the Word: Safety or service?

Ideas for sermon preparation

  • Arthur was the medical officer at the pit (coal mine). He proudly said, 'I'm the only person in the pit who can properly hope to do nothing all day.' If he was idle it meant that no one had been hurt. His service was easiest when all was going well. But for others their service means taking great risks. Firefighters may also wish to do nothing, but when something has to be done, it can mean they have to go into a life-threatening situation. They have to put their lives at risk in order to save others.
  • We might want to preserve our health but for some, the only work available might be such that their lungs become damaged, their skin harmed, their joints worn out. We are very concerned in the West these days to ensure workers are protected against injury and industrial disease. But for many around the world, and even in these islands, a working life can mean a short and dangerous life.
  • The introduction to the Covenant Service within the Methodist Church includes the words: 'Christ has many services to be done. Some are easy, some are difficult; some bring honour, some bring reproach; some are suitable to our natural inclinations and material interests, others are contrary to both.' While the Covenant prayer includes: 'I am no longer my own but yours: put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for you or laid aside for you.' Through these words and prayers we hope to follow the example of Christ, who loved and 'did not count the cost'. He gave his life that others might live.

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