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Discovering God

Creating community, sharing faith

Introducing Discovering God - a new ROOTS resource

Practical ideas for informal services and events where the focus is on creating community and a sense of belonging, demonstrating that the church is available to all.

War and peace

We want to live in peace, but war seems inevitable. Is it possible to establish peace and justice in the world without causing more pain and conflict?

All who are thirsty

Exploring spiritual thirst and water poverty - ideal for youth groups!

Three is a magic number

Exploring the Trinity with all ages


Did Jesus rise from the dead? Does it matter?

God and racial justice

Unity in diversity


What are we to make of angels?

Halloween: Courageously facing death

Activities, prayers and discussion ideas to help us talk about death and recognize that God is there for us whatever we are facing.

God is out there!

Looking for signs of God in creation

In the name of the Father?

Exploring how we see ourselves and how we see God

Beauty from brokenness

Drawing inspiration from women who create good from difficult experiences

Temptations and choices

A time to reflect on difficult decisions, temptations, and what we really need.

Remembering victims

Thinking about those who suffer as a result of conflict

Nourish and flourish

Nurturing one another through eating together

Opening doors

Going into new situations and finding a welcome


Finding beauty and wonder in the unexplainable

Out of control

Considering how we live with uncertainty

Take care of your mother

Looking at God’s earth as a positive example of mothering.


How do we respond when life isn’t fair?

Promises, promises

Choosing to make a promise and dealing with broken promises


Who gives the greatest gifts at Christmas?


Ways to mark and remember important events and people

Who is my neighbour?

Building communities of peace

Creation: Understanding and tackling climate change

Resources suitable for use during a Climate Sunday event, the Great Big Green Week and COP Conferences

Being family

Exploring 'what family means to me'

Rest and recreation

Finding time for fun and refreshment in the summer holidays


The experience of giving and receiving forgiveness

Discovering Lent – Making choices

Ideas for using Lent as a time to examine the choices we make

Unconditional love

For Father’s Day: the power of loving without limits.


Hope: Where and how we find hope and share it

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The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
© Copyright 2002-2024, Roots for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 2040-4832 and 2635-280X; Online ISSN: 2635-2818.
This resource is taken from and is copyright © 2002-2024 ROOTS for Churches.