Prayers based on 1 Corinthians 9.24-27
A prayer of petition
In the power of the Spirit empowering,
and in the name of Christ healing,
let us pray to God the loving.
O God who made me as I am,
and who makes no mistakes,
be with me as I learn to run the race of faith.
O Christ who redeemed me to be your follower,
be with me as I learn to run in your footsteps.
O Holy Spirit who strengthens me when I grow faint,
feed me with the living bread
and bring me always to the living waters
so that I may be refreshed and run and not grow weary.
A prayer of intercession
In the power of the Spirit empowering,
and in the name of Christ healing,
let us pray to the Godhead loving.
We pray for the Church in this place
and throughout the world as she so often grows weary of doing good.
O healing Lord,
grant strength to finish the race, courage to speak, wisdom to be silent and faith to continue to the end.
We pray for Christian leaders called to run ahead of the flock
and to beckon others to join them in the race.
O Lord, who shows us the way,
grant strength to finish the race, courage to speak, wisdom to be silent and faith to continue to the end.
We pray for ourselves in our homes and among our families, friends and colleagues.
O Lord, who shared a human home and human friends,
grant strength to finish the race, courage to speak, wisdom to be silent and faith to continue to the end.
We pray for those who suffer in mind, body or spirit,
especially those who have come to the end of their strength or who find faith difficult.
O Lord who knew in your body the depths of human pain and suffering,
grant strength to finish the race, courage to speak, wisdom to be silent and faith to continue to the end.
We give thanks for those who have died and for all that they meant to us who are left to mourn.
We pray for those who grieve.
O Lord, who knew the depths of human loss,
grant strength to finish the race, courage to speak, wisdom to be silent and faith to continue to the end.