See also resources for celebrating All Saints Day and All Souls Day
Use this service outline to celebrate St Brigid's day - 1 February
Ideas for celebrating Dewi Sant, the patron saint of Wales, 1 March
A service to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, 17 March
A St. George's day celebration, 23 April
Suitable for all ages, 25 July
Based on The Magnificat – or the song of the revolutionary teenager, 15 August
Resources for all ages to celebrate Michaelmas, 29 September
Resources for children and young people to celebrate Michaelmas, 29 September
Ideas for celebrating St Andrew's Day on 30 November
An act of worship around the lives of St Augustine, St Hilde and St Columba
Outline for an act of worship for all ages, celebrating the saints and the saintly
A Spirit-led pilgrimage to celebrate St Columba, 9 June
A service for all ages appropriate for use around the time of St Luke's Day, 18 October.
A map of Luke's people and places
Suitable for marking St Luke or Healthcare Sunday
Ideas for an all-age service
Resources for an adult and all-age service, 29 June
Resources for a service for children and young people, 29 June
Information and Bible references to two great characters of the Acts of the Apostles
Acts 7.51-end; Matthew 10.17-22; 2 Chronicles 24.20-22; Galatians 2.16b-20; Psalm 119.161-168.
Full set of resources for use in worship services to support the Common Worship lectionary variation for 26 December 2004 (primarily Acts 7.51-end and Matthew 10.17-22).
Full set of resources for use with children to support the Common Worship lectionary variation for 26 December 2004 (primarily Acts 7.51-end and Matthew 10.17-22).
Complete set of resources for use with young people to support the Common Worship lectionary variation for Sunday 26 December 2004. The material focuses on Acts 7.51-end, the stoning of Stephen and Matthew 10.17-22.
Prayer that we would remain faithful as Stephen remained faithful.
An introduction to the Acts of the Apostles
Activity for A celebration of St Brigid