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St Valentine's Day

A service for young people for St Valentine's Day

An outline for a possible alternative service for young people. It could also work as an extra young people's group session. 


Name that romantic song!

Play a clip of a love song from a film, and ask the group to name the song and also the film it comes from. Examples include:

'I will always love you.' (The Bodyguard)
'Everything I do' (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)
'Jump for my love' (Love Actually)
'Don't want to miss a thing' (Armageddon)



What are the dreams in these songs? What are the romantic ideals that we see in these films?



In a time of quiet, use these words, with lots of pauses for thought.

Do you have a romantic dream? ... What makes up the perfect love story? ... Think on these things and ask God to be close to you as you open your heart to romantic dreaming ... Pray with thanks for those things that warm our hearts ...


What is love?

Choose one or two clips from a couple of the films below. Without any discussion, ask the group to decide as individuals if the clips are 'lovely', or 'just Hollywood rubbish'?

You will want to watch segments of the film and decide what you think is appropriate – in the brackets you will see possible words that could relate to the themes in these films, but as with most art, the clips should be allowed to speak for themselves, and different people will have different takes on them...


Love or not love? You decide ...

Love Actually : Bloke at door of friend's house.
(honest, caring, risk-taking)

The Lion King : Simba & Nala frolicking in the grass.
(togetherness, bonding, shared experience)

Shrek : Revelation of the princess' true nature.
(acceptance, grace, familiarity)

The Day after Tomorrow : Teenage love & love of a father.
(puppy love, commitment, security)


Read from 1 Corinthians 13.4-8a

Explain to everyone that this is Paul's description of what love is. Split into groups and come up with a visual representation of each of the phrases ... a short skit, situation role-play, painting, craft ... anything for which you have the appropriate resources.


Jerry Maquire : Play the clip 'I love you. You complete me.'

'This is how we know what real love is. Jesus gave his life for us. So we should give our lives for our brothers and sisters.' 1 John 3.16



Invite everyone to discuss whether God is an incurable romantic, using the following evidence:

God made both male and female in his own image (Genesis 1). So God has the capacity to love unreservedly, and to give of himself in love. If we do not recognise this, how do we explain the cross of Jesus?

God chooses to use the language of the incurable romantic to speak of how he feels about his church in Song of Solomon.

In Song of Solomon 5.1, God speaks directly for the only time in the whole book. It is a joyous approval of the intimate bonding of the lovers. Could it be a picture of the God of the universe smiling in approval at intimate love? Perhaps we can know this as a reminder that in the right place, at the right time, under the right circumstances, (all under God's sovereign rule) God applauds our love, encourages our intimacy, and reminds us that he invented it!

'Eat, friends, and drink. Yes, drink deeply lovers.'


Write to God

Invite each person to write a private letter to God, telling him how he completes you, telling him something of your heart, something of your hopes, desires, and dreams for the future.

Invite participants to bring these letters prayerfully to the foot of a cross as offerings of love. And invite them to sit and be still once they have given their gift. Enjoy the act of giving a gift, just as any lover enjoys giving a gift to the one they love.


Final prayer

God of love,
God of grace,
God who gives us all good things,
thank you for our hearts.

Thanks that through these hearts
we feel deeply,
know intimately,
and sense eternity.

These hearts you gave, these hearts where you dwell –
help us to guard them, guide them, protect them.
You live in our hearts,
you live in the deepest parts of our feelings.

Guide us through them,
help us to make sense of them
and to fulfil them in your way,
We pray through the name of the one who loves us most.
Jesus Christ, lover of our souls.


This material was first published in 2005. You might want to update the film examples.

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