The Bible Society produces materials for celebrating Bible Sunday each year.
Below are related Roots materials.
An all-age service for Bible Sunday focused on Colossians 3.12-17
Focused on Colossians 3.12-17
Nehemiah 8.1-4a (5-6), 8-12; Psalm 119.9-16; Colossians 3.12-17; Matthew 24.30-35
An all-age service for Bible Sunday 2015 focused on 2 Timothy 1.14
Ideas and resources for worship services
Full set of weekly resources for use with children's groups
Children's activity sheet for use in conjunction with the children's material provided for Bible Sunday.
Full set of weekly resources for use with a young people's group
What is it and how is this ancient literature relevant to my life today?
The Bishop of Oxford offers some advice about reading the Bible