NB Year B is when Common Worship deviates most often from the RCL, particularly in the weeks of Epiphany.
See also: Resources for the readings for Candlemas, Mothering Sunday and All Saints.
These resources for Adult & All ages explore: turning to Jesus when life seems empty.
These resources for Children & Young People explore: turning to Jesus when life seems empty.
Resources for Adult & All Ages for the 2nd Sunday before Lent Year A
Resources for Children & Young People for the 2nd Sunday before Lent Year A
Resources for an all-age service for the 2nd Sunday before Lent Year C based on Luke 8:22-25; Genesis 2:4b-9,15-25
Full Bible notes to support the Common Worship variation for the second Sunday before Lent.
This material can be used to support the Common Worship variation for the second Sunday before Lent.
Full set of material on Luke 8.22-25 (26-35) for use in children's activities.
Full set of material on Luke 8.22-25 (26-35) for use with young people.
A comprehensive list of hymns and songs related to the second Sunday before Lent suitable for use with adults and / or children.
Story for the 2nd Sunday before Lent Year C
All age prayer
Sermon ideas on the history and understanding of the Trinity
Response activities for adults and all ages
Resources for Adult & All Ages for the 3rd Sunday before Advent Year B
Resources for Children & Youth for the 3rd Sunday before Advent, Year B