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Great Expectations

A humorous Christmas drama according to Luke


This Christmas drama tells the stories of four different people: Zechariah, Mary, Elizabeth and Joseph. Each scene can be read or performed separately, or it can be presented in its entirety.

Click on the image or on the PDF link at the bottom of this page to find a PDF of all four scenes. Prayers to be said at the end of each scene are included below.



Prayers to be said at the end of each scene.

Scene 1: Zechariah's story based on Luke 1.5-20

Dear God,
when we are tired and think our dreams will never come true;
when we are exhausted of doing the same things and feel stale;
when we are frustrated because life isn't how we want it to be:
bring an angel Gabriel into our life to remind us of your faithfulness,
and your love for each one of us.
And help us to dare to believe that our future is in your hands,
and may leave us speechless!


Scene 2: Mary's story based on Luke 1.26-38

Loving God,
give us a living faith that says ‘Let's go for it',
even when the way ahead looks quite scary;
that, like Mary, we may play our part in your purposes for the world,
and, like Gabriel, be faithful bearers of your good news this Christmas and always.


Scene 3: Elizabeth's story based on Luke 1.39-55

God of the ordinary and of the impossible,
bless us with special gifts this Christmas:
the gift of words, to express your truth and your faithfulness;
the gift of silence, when your deeds are beyond words;
the gift of music, to sing out your song of hope and joy;
the gift of courage, to share your song with others;
and the gift of a loving family and good friends,
to share our journey of life with – at its beginning and at its end.
In Jesus’ name we pray.


Scene 4: Joseph's story based on Luke 2.1-14

Lord, how exciting and scary your birth was in Bethlehem all those years ago.
And how amazing that you should be born as one of us.
Help us to be Christmas people this year,
sharing the wonder, the hope and the joy of your birth,
and bringing the true meaning of Christmas
to those who have never been to the stable
and seen you for themselves.
Thank you for being born in our hearts and for loving us.

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