Welcome to ROOTS at home for 7-13 June
Worship at home resources for everyone linked to Matthew 28.16-20
ROOTS is a partnership of denominations and other Christian organisations and has been publishing lectionary-based worship resources online and in print since 2002.
Go to: Resources for families; Resources for adults
You are welcome to copy this material for use in your own resources e.g. printed sheets or web pages including audio/video recordings. If you do so, please include this acknowledgement to ROOTS:
© ROOTS for Churches Ltd (www.rootsontheweb.com) 2002-2020.
Reproduced with permission.
For families
This is the very end of Matthew’s Gospel. It might be interesting to explore together how this Gospel sends us all out to live as witnesses and how we can worship, live and learn in the light of the last words which Jesus speaks. In your worship together reflect on Jesus’ promise that he is always with us.
Use this prayer as you begin your time of worship together. Nominate a leader or all join in together.
Glorious God,
present in creation;
Jesus Christ,
risen and ascended;
Holy Spirit,
inspiring and transforming;
be present among us,
as we worship you today.
Share the Bible story using the idea below to help you explore it together.
Bible story
Matthew 28.16-20 Jesus sends his disciples out to live for him and help others to live for him too.
Let’s draw the story
Give the group paper and pens (flipchart paper and marker pens would be ideal) and suggest everyone helps you to draw the story as you tell it. Encourage the group to use words and pictures. Think about: who was present, where they went, how they felt, what was said and what happened next. See if the group can write and draw the ‘next chapter’.

Joanna Kerr, www.joannakerr.com
Jesus’ eleven disciples were on their way to Galilee.* Jesus had told them to meet him on a mountain there and that is where they were heading.* As they approached the mountain, they saw the risen Jesus standing there and many of them worshipped him. But others doubted – they weren’t sure it was Jesus.*
Jesus came to them all and said, ‘I have been given all power in heaven and on earth.* So go from here. Tell people about God. Make disciples all over the world.* Baptize people in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.* Share with them all that I have taught you and help them to obey my commandments. And remember, I will always be with you, until the very end of time.’*
commandments: a set of rules to follow in life, given by God.
You may wish to use these additional resources to worship together and/or the activity sheets for children.
Trios quiz
Beforehand, write two parts of some famous trios on cards and place them around the room, e.g. snap, crackle and…; daddy bear, mummy bear and…; gold, frankincense and…; hear no evil, see no evil…; as easy as a, b…; the good, the bad and the…; bacon, lettuce and…; knife, fork and…; Athos, Porthos and…; Father, Son and…
Challenge pairs to write down the missing words to complete the trios as fast as possible.
Share the message
Throw a frisbee as a metaphor for telling people about God
You will need: frisbee/spinner shapes (see template) photocopied onto card (one per person), scissors, world map.
- Give each person a frisbee/spinner shape to cut out. Remind everyone of Jesus’ words to tell the world about God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are going to symbolise this by throwing their frisbees.
- Lay the map out and invite everyone to line up some distance away. Encourage them to throw their frisbees and see who can land theirs on the map.
Activity and colouring sheets
(Links to the PDFs for these can also be found at the end of the page.)
For adults
Live your faith
This week's Live your faith sheet for adults with Bible notes, prayers, a picture and questions for reflection, a live your faith action

These prayers are based on a poem by George Herbert, called Trinity Sunday, appropriately in three verses of three lines. Some may find Herbert's language stark, even brutal in its directness. Perhaps, though, it speaks of reality.
Lord, who hast formed me out of mud,
and hast redeemed me through thy blood,
and sanctified me to do good;
Lord God, we worship you as our creator and sustainer:
we are as one with the earth you gave us.
We arrived through the waters of childbirth
we will leave restored to mud and ash.
Help us to protect the earth;
for if we despoil it through greed or negligence
we offend you.
We diminish your promise of redemption.
Lord, sanctify us to do good.
Purge all my sins done heretofore;
for I confess my heavy score,
and will strive to sin no more.
Lord, we know we are sinful, fallen creatures:
our world of war, violence, greed and pollution
reminds us daily.
But in your Son Jesus Christ you show us a better way,
you offer us a promise of forgiveness and transformation.
Forgive us, Lord, when we offend you
and give us grace to forgive others
even when that is hard and sacrificial;
even when it conflicts with earthly justice.
Be with us as we strive to sin no more.
Enrich my heart, mouth, hands in me,
with faith, with hope, with charity;
that I may run, rise, rest with thee.
Our hope, Lord, rests upon the gifts of your Spirit:
our only hope for a redeemed world.
Spirit of wind, spirit of fire,
the earth itself cries out in its agony
for the spirit of change
we so badly need.
Help us, Lord, to cope with our fears
as we try to run, rise, and rest with you.