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Isaiah 35.1-10; Psalm 146.5-10; Luke 1.46b-55 (Magnificat); James 5.7-10; Matthew 11.2-11


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

Come and see the splendour of our God!
Worship his majesty, enter his presence with joy,
for this is the one who brings blessing, healing and strength.

A gathering prayer – with Advent candle lighting

Advent God, who gathers us as your people,
gather us today around this flame.
We acknowledge before you all our doubts and anxieties,
together with the good things you have given us to share.
Call us to hope, O God,
to place our faith in you,
the source of all light.

A prayer of approach

O Lord our rescuer,
we come to you
with our disappointments and scars,
with our weaknesses and struggles.
We come knowing that you are the God of great reversals:
the captives are freed, the blind see,
the deaf hear, those bowed down will be lifted up.
Make your presence known to us, O great deliverer,
and may we rejoice in your promises to us today.

A prayer of confession

O Lord, we are sorry for the times
when we shut our eyes to your goodness,
when we close our hearts to the joy you offer,
so busy doing our own thing,
trying to work in our own strength.
We are sorry when we ignore those
who are struggling with sadness we cannot comprehend,
those for whom colours have become grey,
those who need to hear about your love for them.
Give us courage and renewed strength
to share hope and joy with others,
and to witness to your unfailing love.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

Lord, we praise you
for your transforming presence in our lives.
We thank you
that you are full of compassion and mercy.

Prayers of intercession

Lord, we wait.
We wait for the fulfilment of your promises
and the full and permanent coming of your kingdom.

In our waiting, we remember those grappling with
circumstances outside of their control,
those who feel that life is passing them by,
those who are waiting for hope that never comes.

We pray for those whose faith is wearing thin,
whose patience is strained by the length of their waiting,
for those whose eyes are tired
of watching for the dawn.

We wait for light to break on their horizons,
for your Spirit to work something new,
something bright, something enduring,
deep within those places
that seem the most hopeless.

Lord, lift up those who are bowed down,
those far from home, those estranged and those who are weary,
and encourage the hearts of all those who wait for you.
In the name of Christ.

An active way into prayer

Give everyone a piece of blue tissue paper, a piece of cardboard
and a pen. Invite people to write on their tissue paper (using
the cardboard as a support) something that is causing them
pain or doubt. They can also write on behalf of someone else, if
they prefer – or leave it blank. Take some time to acknowledge
these things in silence before God. Thank God that he knows our
tears, our sorrows. Invite people to scrunch up their tissue paper
and place it in a box or bucket, as a way of offering God their
distress and pain. At the same time, invite them to take a fresh
piece of tissue paper from a pile or box, to represent a new start.

A prayer for all ages together

Use fingers to represent falling rain throughout the prayer.

God send rain on thirsty ground
and also on our thirsty hearts.
Let your Spirit flow into our lives
and fill us up, we pray.

A sending out prayer

God, may we carry your light into this world,
bringing hope and encouragement
to everyone around us,
remembering that you are with us,
and that you can do all things.

A personal prayer

Jesus, help me to see you.
Show me who you are.
Remind me of the things you have done,
how you can turn situations upside down,
and that nothing is impossible for you.
As I go through my days,
help me to recognise your work in my life,
to see what you have done for me.
Lord, increase my faith in you.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  15-21 Rhagfyr 2019

Beth ydych chi’n ei weld?

Mathew 11.2-11

Galwad i addoli

Dewch i weld gogoniant Duw!
Addolwch ei fawredd, ewch i’w bresenoldeb â llawenydd,
oherwydd dyma’r un sy’n dod â bendith, iachâd a nerth.

Gweddi ymgynnull – a chynnau cannwyll Adfent

Dduw’r Adfent, sy’n ein casglu ynghyd fel dy bobl,
casgla ni heddiw o gwmpas y fflam hon.
Cydnabyddwn o’th flaen fod gennym ein hamheuon a’n pryderon,
ynghyd â phopeth da a roddaist i ni i’w rhannu.
Galw ni i obaith, O Dduw,
i roi ein ffydd ynot ti,
ffynhonnell pob goleuni.

Gweddi ddynesu

O Arglwydd ein hachubydd,
deuwn atat ti
gyda’n siomedigaethau a’n creithiau,
ein gwendidau a’n brwydrau.
Deuwn gan wybod mai’r Duw sy’n medru gwrthdroi wyt ti:
rhyddhau’r caethion, rhoi eu golwg i’r deillion,
adfer clyw’r byddar, codi’r rhai crwm i fyny.
Gwna dy bresenoldeb yn wybyddus i ni, O waredwr mawr,
a boed i ni lawenhau yn dy addewidion i ni heddiw.

Gweddi o gyffes

O Arglwydd, mae’n ddrwg gennym am yr adegau
pan fyddwn yn cau ein llygaid i’th ddaioni,
pan fyddwn yn cau ein calonnau i’r llawenydd a gynigi,
am ein bod mor brysur yn gwneud ein pethau ein hunain,
yn ceisio gweithio trwy ein nerth ein hunain.

Mae’n ddrwg gennym anwybyddu’r rhai
sy’n brwydro yn erbyn tristwch na allwn ei amgyffred,
y rhai y pylodd lliwiau yn llwyd iddynt,
y rhai sydd angen clywed am dy gariad tuag atynt.

Rho i ni ddewrder a nerth o’r newydd
i rannu gobaith a llawenydd ag eraill,
ac i dystio i’th gariad di-ball.

Gweddi o fawl a diolchgarwch

Arglwydd, molwn di
am dy bresenoldeb sy’n medru gweddnewid ein bywydau.
Diolchwn i ti
dy fod yn llawn tosturi a thrugaredd.

Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

Defnyddiwch fysedd i gynrychioli glaw yn disgyn trwy gydol y weddi.

Dduw, anfon law ar ddaear sychedig
a hefyd ar ein calonnau sychedig.
Gweddïwn ar i’th Ysbryd lifo
i’n calonnau a’n llenwi.

Gweddïau o eiriolaeth

Arglwydd, rydym yn aros.
Arhoswn am i ti gyflawni dy addewidion
ac am i’th deyrnas ddod yn llawn ac yn barhaol.

Wrth i ni aros, cofiwn am y rhai sy’n ymgodymu ag
amgylchiadau y tu hwnt i’w rheolaeth,
y rhai sy’n teimlo bod eu bywyd yn llithro heibio,
y rhai sy’n aros am obaith nad yw byth yn dod.

Gweddïwn dros y rhai y mae eu ffydd yn gwegian,
a’u hamynedd yn cael ei roi ar brawf wrth aros mor hir,
a thros y rhai y mae eu llygaid yn flinedig
wrth aros am y wawr.

Arhoswn am y goleuni i wawrio ar eu gorwelion,
ac am dy Ysbryd i greu rhywbeth o’r newydd,
rhywbeth llachar, rhywbeth parhaol,
yn ddwfn yn y llefydd hynny
sy’n ymddangos mor anobeithiol.

Arglwydd, cod i fyny y rhai sydd wedi crymu,
y rhai sy’n bell o’u cartrefi, y rhai sydd wedi dieithrio ac sy’n flinedig,
a chod galonnau pob un sy’n aros amdanat.
Yn enw Crist.

Gweithgaredd gweddi

Rhowch ddarn o bapur sidan glas, darn o gardfwrdd ac offer
ysgrifennu i bawb. Gofynnwch i bawb ysgrifennu rhywbeth
sy’n achosi poen neu amheuaeth iddynt ar eu papur sidan
(gan ddefnyddio’r cardfwrdd y tu ôl iddo i’w gynnal). Gallant hefyd
ysgrifennu ar ran rhywun arall os yw’n well ganddynt – neu gallant
ei adael yn wag. Neilltuwch amser i gydnabod y pethau hyn mewn
tawelwch gerbron Duw. Diolchwch i Dduw ei fod yn gwybod am
ein dagrau a’n gofidiau. Gwahoddwch bawb i wasgu eu papur sidan
yn belen a’i roi mewn bocs neu bwced, fel ffordd o gynnig eu gofid
a’u poen i Dduw. Yr un pryd, gofynnwch iddynt gymryd darn newydd
o bapur sidan oddi ar bentwr neu o focs, i gynrychioli dechreuad newydd.

Gweddi i gloi

Dduw, boed i ni gludo dy oleuni i’r byd hwn,
gan ddod â gobaith ac anogaeth
i bawb o’n cwmpas,
a chofio dy fod di gyda ni,
a’th fod yn gallu gwneud popeth.

Gweddi bersonol

Iesu, cynorthwya fi i’th weld di.
Dangos i mi pwy wyt ti.
Atgoffa fi o’r pethau yr wyt ti wedi’u gwneud,
sut rwyt yn gallu gwrth-droi sefyllfaoedd,
ac nad oes dim yn amhosibl i ti.
Wrth i mi fynd trwy fy nyddiau,
cynorthwya fi i adnabod dy waith yn fy mywyd,
a gweld beth wyt ti wedi’i wneud i mi.
Arglwydd, cynydda fy ffydd ynot ti.

Children & Young People

A gathering prayer for children

Jesus, Lord and King,
just as John’s disciples came to meet you,
we have come to meet you today.
Help us to recognise who you really are.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for children

Thank you, God,
that whether we are full of confidence,
or finding it hard to see who you are,
your love is constant.

A prayer of confession for children

Response line: Forgive us, Lord, and help us to see you.

Heavenly Father,
for the times we do not thank you:
Forgive us, Lord, and help us to see you.
For the times we do not ask for
your help…
For the times we doubt your authority…
For the times we question who you are…

A prayer for others (for children)

Ask the children to think of someone they want to pray for, that they would feel God’s healing touch.

Lord Jesus,
while you walked on the earth,
you made the blind to see
and the lame to walk;
you healed the sick
and gave hearing to the deaf;
you raised the dead
and gave hope to the poor.
Today we pray for (insert names)
and ask that you would heal them too.

A sending out prayer for children

Holy Spirit, fill us with your confidence,
as we go out into the week ahead
to face every situation
that comes our way.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 15-21 Rhagfyr 2019

Beth ydych chi’n ei weld?

Mathew 11.2-11

Gweddi ymgynnull

Iesu, Arglwydd a Brenin,
yn union fel y daeth disgyblion Ioan i’th gyfarfod,
rydym ninnau wedi dod i’th gyfarfod heddiw.
Helpa ni i sylweddoli pwy wyt ti mewn gwirionedd.

Gweddi o ddiolchgarwch

Diolch i ti, Dduw,
bod dy gariad yn gyson,
pa un ai ydym ni’n llawn hyder
neu yn ei chael yn anodd gweld pwy wyt ti.

Gweddi am faddeuant

Llinell ymateb:
Maddau i ni, Arglwydd, a helpa ni i’th weld di.

Dad nefol,
am yr adegau pan fyddwn yn anghofio diolch i ti:
Maddau i ni, Arglwydd, a helpa ni i’th weld di.
Am yr adegau pan na fyddwn yn gofyn am dy help...
Am yr adegau pan fyddwn yn amau dy awdurdod...
Am yr adegau pan fyddwn yn cwestiynu pwy wyt ti...

Gweddi dros eraill

Gofynnwch i’r plant feddwl am rywun y maent
eisiau gweddïo drostynt, er mwyn iddynt deimlo
cyffyrddiad Duw yn eu gwella.

Arglwydd Iesu,
tra oeddet yn cerdded ar y ddaear,
gwnaethost i’r dall weld
a’r cloff gerdded;
rhoddaist iachâd i’r gwael
a chlyw i’r byddar;
atgyfodaist y meirwon
a rhoi gobaith i’r tlawd.
Heddiw gweddïwn dros (dywedwch yr enwau)
a gofynnwn i ti eu gwella hwythau hefyd.

Gweddi i gloi

Ysbryd Glân, llanw ni â’th hyder,
wrth i ni fynd allan i’r wythnos sydd o’n blaenau
i wynebu pob sefyllfa
a ddaw i’n rhan.

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