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Related Bible reading(s): John 18.33-37

Active worship

Activities based on John 18.33-37

A simple worship activity for all ages

Set up a mirror (more than one, if you have space) and invite people to sit in front of it for a short time, looking at their reflection. Invite them to reflect on what it means to be made in the image of God and to live in God’s kingdom.

Play gentle music to fill the silence. End with a prayer giving thanks for Jesus our king – you could use A prayer of praise. Alternatively, you could combine this activity with A reflective way into prayer


Facebook the truth

In small groups, invite people who use social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to show some images where they have ‘filtered’ what people see – particularly images of themselves. Ask the groups to reflect on the use of such altered images. What other ways do we have to control the way we are seen by others (e.g. clothes)? Why do we do this? Does it have unintended consequences? Does it matter? 


Pay attention!

Play the ‘Selective attention test’ video, carefully following the instructions. Invite people to get into small groups, and to reflect on the exercise. What might it suggest about how we fail to notice things in everyday life – and what can we do about it? 


What is truth?

Sometimes, truth can be hard to separate from fiction, spin and honest mistakes. Play a game in which individuals (warned in advance, so they can prepare) come to the front and tell one truth and one lie about themselves. Invite everyone else to vote on which is which. What might this say about us? How can we discern truth in our everyday interactions with each other? 


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W Word E Emotion S Symbol A Action
Read our Spiritual Styles articles 

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