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Related Bible reading(s): Genesis 18.1-10a

Drama: Domestic bliss

An imaginary conversation between Mary and Martha after Jesus' visit

Snap out of it, Martha! Jesus said I did the right thing.

And I didn't? Since when has it been wrong to see to a guest's comfort? Isn't that what hospitality is all about? Isn't that what we're commanded to do? Isn't that what we, as good Jewish women, were brought up to do?

Don't go on about it, Martha! I had to be with him, nothing was more important at that moment.

At that moment? It wasn't just a moment! It was a good hour or more, while I sweated over a hot oven and tried to tidy the place up!

But you know Jesus, Martha. He's not fussy about fancy food or the state of the house. He came to see us, not to inspect how we live. He wanted our attention.

I was giving him my attention!

No, you weren't.

I was cooking for him, and seeing that he had everything he needed …

He didn't want that kind of attention. He wanted you to sit down and listen to him. He had things to say to us.

He could have said them over dinner! That would have been the polite thing to do!

Martha, you really can't expect Jesus to behave like a normal guest.

You don't have to tell me he's not a normal guest! Why do you think I was in such a state? Why do you think I was going to such trouble? I was so honoured to have him in our home!

Well, then, you should have listened to what he was saying.

It's impossible to get you to see sense, Mary. We may as well finish this conversation right now, because we're going round in circles.

No, Martha, you were the one going round in circles! The Son of God was sitting in our front room, teaching us wonderful things, and you were flying around with a cloth in one hand and a pot in the other!

But did he have to show me up so badly? Did he have to draw attention to me?

You drew attention to yourself, Martha. You complained about me to him, trying to get me into trouble!

So how come you knew what he wanted us to do? How come you got it right?

Jesus doesn't think like other people, Martha. He wants us to think differently, too. We have to get past what society and tradition expect of us. Those who follow him must hear his teaching. It's more important than anything else. That's why he was pleased with me.

It's hard to break the habits of a lifetime, Mary.

That's why he spoke to you gently, Martha. Did you notice how he said your name twice, so fondly?

I'm sorry, Mary.

It's alright. He takes a bit of getting used to. He's not like other men!

That's quite refreshing, really!

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