Three liturgical prayers on the theme of fathers and fatherhood (with its joys and difficulties)
We pray: for our fathers who have loved and supported us.
We pray:
for our fathers who have loved and supported us.
We praise you O Lord and give you thanks today.
For our mothers who have cherished and nurtured us.
We praise you O Lord and give you thanks today.
For the children entrusted to our care as parents.
We praise you Lord and give you thanks today.
For our godfathers and mothers and for all who first spoke to us of Jesus, and who have drawn us into the family of our heavenly Father.
We praise you Lord and give you thanks today.
Help us to live as those who belong to one another and to you, now and always.
For those whose fathers are absent, through desertion, war, or imprisonment:
Lord have mercy.
For those whose fathers are abusive:
Christ have mercy.
For those for whom the word 'Father' is a word of fear:
Lord have mercy.
For those whose fathers have died:
Lord have mercy.
For those who are anxious at the prospect of fatherhood:
Christ have mercy.
For fathers who miss their children desperately:
Lord have mercy.
Loving God,
as a father feeds, nurtures and sustains his children,
so you feed us with the rich food of your heavenly banquet.
Help us who have tasted your goodness
to grow in grace within the household of faith:
through Jesus Christ our Lord.