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Related Bible reading(s): John 11.1-45

Talk about

Discussion ideas for children and young people

For children

Jesus did not go to Lazarus as soon as he was called. Sometimes it seems as if Jesus has not heard us, either. Why do you think this is? Could it sometimes be better for us to wait? Maybe we are not ready for what God wants to do in our lives. Does God always hear our prayers?

How do you think the disciples felt after seeing this miracle? Do you think that it would have given them courage, considering the danger they faced? (See vv. 8 and 16.)

Does believing in Jesus change the way we feel about dying? How can we best comfort people around us who are sad and suffering?

Check how much of the story the children have taken in by seeing if they know which of these statements are true, and which false.

  • Lazarus lived in Bethlehem. F
  • He had three sisters. F
  • One of his sisters had once wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair. T
  • Jesus had been in danger of being stoned to death. T
  • Jesus said that Lazarus was only sleeping. T
  • Then he said he was sorry that he had not been there earlier. F
  • The disciples said, ‘Let’s go and die with Jesus.’ T
  • Jesus told Martha that her brother would rise again. T
  • Some people said, if Jesus could feed 5,000 people, couldn’t he have helped Lazarus? F
  • Martha said her brother had been dead for five days. F
  • Before he spoke to Lazarus, Jesus prayed to God. T
  • This miracle caused lots more people to believe in Jesus. T


For young people

The two parts of the story may seem at first to have little to do with each other. But Jesus asks all the people in the story to understand that God-in-him is constantly in control. Things do not happen at random, or in frustration of God's purposes, for those who believe. All the people in the story are led to experience more fully the way Jesus is in touch with his Father's purposes. But that means they, and we, have to learn to wait on God's time. Can the young people think of times when they have been impatient of God’s choice of time?

Talk, gently and sensitively, about death and bereavement. Remind everyone that Lazarus would have to die again. Try to bring out the wonder of Jesus’ authority over death. Does knowing Jesus make a difference to the way we feel about death?

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