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Related Bible reading(s): Mark 1.40-45

Drama: Athletes

Drama sketch that links with the racing theme of 1 Corinthians 9.24-27.

Dan Papworth picks up the racing theme of 1 Corinthians 9.24-27. His sketch would be good for less confident actors, as there is plenty of miming and just a few lines, which can be shared between the athletes. Dan says of his sketch: 'No one would ever enter a race without adequate preparation. So why do we often go into each day of our lives that way?'

Cast: 1-4 athletes; 3 voices

Costumes: shorts and t-shirts under normal clothes

Props: Chocolate bar for each athlete, starting pistol

Music: Chariots of fire

(Scene: Music playing, enter athletes at a jog, obviously tired, music fades)

Voice 1: Look at you! (athletes look confused, and then annoyed)

Voice 2: Sad.

Voice 3: You are out of shape. (look at themselves)

Voice 1: You want to enter the race? (nod once)

Voice 2: You want to be a winner? (nod twice and smile)

Voice 1-3: You've got to change! (mouth 'what?')

Voice 3: Yes – change!

Voice 1: How are you going to run if you're not ready?(shrug)

Voice 2: Look at those clothes! (inspect clothes)

Voice 3: Who could run in that? (hands on hips, annoyed)

Voice 1-3: Off! Off! Off! (shy, take off outer clothes reluctantly)

Voice 1: Good job you had that stuff on underneath (unwrap chocolate bar)

Voice 2: Stop! You can't eat that rubbish! (stop with it almost in mouth)

Athlete: But... this is the official snack food...

Voice 3: ...of the Olympic Team? Yes, I know, but they don't eat as many as you do! (chuck it over shoulder)

Voice 1: Now, what about the routine?

Athlete: What routine?

Voice 1: Exactly.

Voice: Exercise. (look really upset)

Voice 1: You remember exercise, don't you?

Athlete: I did some last week.

Voice 2: I'd hardly call climbing one flight of stairs - because the lift was broken - exercise!

Athlete: You're right, it was work.

Voice 3: Work?

Athlete: I was at work!

Voice 1: Come on, enough time-wasting. Give me ten. (start press-ups)

Voice 2: And then a five-mile run.

Voice 3: Followed by a shower (get up)

Voice 1: And a shave (confused, feel chin, or legs)

Athlete: Alright, alright. Can we let a little time pass please?

Voice 2: OK, just this once.

Voice 1-3: Time passed! (check watches)

Athlete: Don't you wish you could do that sometimes, folks?

Voice 3: Get on with it.

Athlete: Sorry!

Voice 1: Right. Well there's only one thing you need now.

Athlete: What?

Voice 2: Well, you've changed the clothes...

Voice 3: The food...

Voice 1: The routine...

Voice 2: Now all you've got to change is...

Athletes: What?

Voice 1-3: Your attitude! (drop to knees and during the next short speech, move in slow motion into starting posture. Freeze)

Voice 3: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 27th Olympiad, here in the (name of church) stadium in (town) . Take your seats please for the first event – the life marathon.

On your marks... (starting pistol)

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