Exploring God through science and technology |
Roots are delighted to have teamed up with God and the Big Bang to create this engaging holiday resource for children aged 5- to 10-years-old. It consists of five fascinating STEM (science, technology, engineering & medicine) sessions:
Session 1 Can science help us to believe in God?
Session 2 Can science answer all our questions?
Session 3 Can faith be based on evidence?
Session 4 Does science make it hard to believe in God?
Session 5 Does science solve all our problems?
If you’re a little anxious about how you would answer some of the science and faith questions that might come up through the holiday club, listen to the Roots podcast on this topic. |
Read the Roots article: Lessons in Chemistry by Michael Harvey, the developer of ‘Back to Church Sunday’ and instrumental in developing the God and the Big Bang project from its beginning.